The History of the Rhubarb

I never had rhubarb in my yard when I grew up. If we ate it, I don’t remember. I do remember my next door neighbor having a substantial rhubarb plot behind his garage. His youngest had a little trouble saying his R sound, so he called it ‘Woo-bob’.

When dear sweet Chuck and I bought our house, we discovered rhubarb growing along the back lot line. I decided the south side of the garage would be a better location with more sun, so I transplanted the rhubarb plants. With the transplant, they spread.

Then I bought my first rain barrel and set it up under the downspout on the south side of the garage. That entailed moving the rhubarb again, this time to the patch beside the deck that had held hollyhocks. When the hollyhocks came down with rust two seasons in a row, I pulled them out for good.

Now the rhubarb is thriving in this spot. It’s growing so much that I’ve even given away a few small plants. By the reports from my friends, the transplanting worked well for them, too.

Rhubarb is often the first harvest of the year in my northeastern Wisconsin climate. So far this season I froze some, gave some away, and cooked the rest into a rhubarb-strawberry syrup to flavor my first attempt at strawberry-rhubarb ice cream. Mmm, it’s tasty. I’ll definitely do this again.

An Early Harvest

An Early Harvest

Ready to cook, bake, and freeze.

Ready to cook, bake, and freeze.

Want more harvest posts with pictures? Go to Daphne’s Dandelions for her weekly gathering called Harvest Monday.

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How much coffee?

Actual conversation in car on interstate highway —

Chuck: Is that a tanker that says “Coffee?”

Daisy: I thought it might be a mirage.

Chuck: Wow. Pull up next to it with your mug, turn a spigot, and refill in motion.

Daisy: I have an empty travel mug. It’s at your feet.

We approached the tanker. Here’s what it looked like up close.

"Best Coffee on the Interstate"

“Best Coffee on the Interstate”

Is that a “flammable liquids” sign on the lower left? That’s some strong coffee there, driver. Better add cream and sugar.

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Wrestling with a Papasan Chair

It was a hazy morning, with the kind of sky that promises a storm. I decided to accomplish a few short goals that I could abandon quickly and seek shelter when the raindrops arrived.

First, I dragged the rain barrels close to the hose and rinsed them inside and out. Trust me. It makes sense. The barrels had been storing water that drained off a crumbling rooftop, a garage roof with disintegrating shingles. The resulting residue was thin enough to get through the screen and thick enough to stick to the sides of the rain barrels. I hope that the new garage and its new roof will drain more cleanly into my clean(er) rain barrels.

Second, I smashed a batch of shells (seafood, mussels if you must know) and spread them on the soil that will become a raspberry patch once again. There’s both chemistry and environmental science in that decision. Again, trust me.

Third, I decided to work with the papasan planter in the front yard. We’d noticed it tipping, leaning to the right, and it needed help to get upright again. Nobody leans to the right for long in Daisy’s household. Trust me. 

It looked like this from the sidewalk.

It looked like this from the sidewalk.

Close up, it looked even worse.

Close up, it looked even worse.

I wrestled, pulled, pushed, and eventually slid the top off its base. Then I reached for the camera – and I laughed out loud. Any neighbors lucky enough to witness the event surely think…trust me, I probably don’t want to know.

It's all about that base.

It’s all about that base. Whoa. 

I tipped and balanced the planter part until it seemed stable, and then added a cinder block to help keep it in place. The base went out to the curb for Excess Garbage Day. Convenient timing, wasn’t it?

Here’s the result. I must say, I won the wrestling match – this round, anyway.

Done - for now.

Done – for now.

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The Garden Grows

I put in the plants, and I pulled off the masking tape grid. But wait – it’ll be much easier to imagine if I just give you a picture or two.


Beans! Beans on the right, tomatoes on the left. 

A thin layer of grass clippings functions as mulch for now. Meanwhile, behind the garage, the pile is shrinking.

Good intentions -

Good intentions – the pile was mostly topsoil, so Chuck made a new outline from repurposed boards and started spreading the soil.

The reverse angle image –

raspberry canes!

raspberry canes!

A few raspberry canes survived the garage construction. I have a few more in buckets; I hope to transplant them to this area to restart the raspberry patch. In a year, or maybe two, we’ll have raspberries again.

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I can tell it’s summer because…

I am working the phone, setting up appointments so I don’t have to miss school in the fall.

I am cleaning up messes outside. I’ve planned and planted, but I haven’t had the time to make the yard look neat. Now I do.

I’m enrolling in two graduate classes with which to renew my Wisconsin teaching license. It’s what we do: go to school during June, July, and August in order to renew the license that…you know what, readers? You’ll hear my take on licensing changes, and you’ll hear it soon.

I can tell it’s summer because I’m storing my schoolbooks in a closet along with my fingerless gloves. I’ll bring them back to my desk in the fall.

I can tell it’s summer because I’m making salads for lunch and adding fresh ingredients whenever I can (including radishes, dandelion greens, and whatever edibles are ripe for picking).

I’m also reading gardening blogs and getting a little envious of those who are already harvesting. Daphne’s Dandelions hosts a Harvest Monday group with glorious pictures.

I can tell it’s summer because everywhere I go, I see others enjoying the outdoors. I saw two college-age kids wearing galoshes and stomping in mud on their lunch break from working on a grounds crew.

Meanwhile, I’m catching up on household chores, too. That’s not fun to talk about, though. I’d rather be outside!

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Rock Garden Art

The Stork

The Stork

This bird was under the Christmas tree in December, a gift from Chuck. He’d bought it at Art in the Park – a fabulous and fun art festival that takes place in a downtown park only about half a mile from our home. Can you imagine Chuck walking home from the park carrying this creature over one shoulder? Yes, indeed. He actually made a sneak trip back to the park while I was working in the garden and then hid the bird with his other sneaky purchases.

Here’s a top view. The stork shares space with a cell-playing frog and a few containers repurposed for growing good food.

Still Life - Stork with oregano

Still Life – Stork with oregano

Fun, isn’t it? I mix art with worn out wicker and other textures to create a rock garden. This area used to grow mint. Shh; I want it to stay rocky for a few more years.

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On grid – the garden grid

It’s a variation on Square Foot Gardening techniques. I say variation because I follow the philosophy of planting in squares instead of rows, but I don’t use a permanent grid. I make my grid with masking tape.

The Grid in living color

The Grid in living color

The grid is more colorful than usual because I ran out of regular masking tape and had to use painter’s tape instead. It doesn’t matter; I picked up the grid as soon as I was done planting.

It may not look like much now, but this part of the grid will fill up with many shades of green. I planted beans and two kinds of lettuce. The outer border might be marigolds. I say “might” because I salvaged the seeds from dried marigolds on La Petite’s apartment porch. If they come up, I’ll have marigolds to attract pollinators and repel pests like wild rabbits.

Jalapeno peppers

Jalapeno peppers to be

Here’s a close-up of one row (column?) in the grid: pepper plants. These are jalapeno peppers. I have a batch of yellow banana pepper plants started, too. I just need to figure out where they’ll go.

So, readers, do you use square foot gardening or traditional rows? Or do you use something entirely different?

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