A Woman’s Place

Dear Hillary (Clinton, naturally;);

I admire your work as Secretary of State. Heck, I’ve admired you since you refused to sit home and take a supporting role to your governor husband! Bake cookies and host teas? Only if it’s a house party to support my favorite candidate, and then I’m willing. But back on topic, I understand your decision not to run for president again. Let me know when you choose to mentor a successor: I’ll be there to support her and vote for her. Woman, you are amazing.

— Still a Feminist after all these years

Dear Paul (Ryan, of course);

I am a person. When you draft a bill you call “personhood”, remember that women are people, too.

— Firmly Female

Dear Mitt (Romney – are there any others?);

You’ve established a history as one who looks down on others who are not like you, whether that difference be long hair or blindness. You’ve also established that you did not respect teachers, even those who taught you. Well, Mitt, I am hearing impaired and a teacher. In order to get my vote, you’ll need to show that you do, after all, respect teachers and people with disabilities. I wear my hair long, too. I hope that’s not a problem.

— Daring to be Different

Dear Entrepreneurs;

When I was growing up, I saw a tee shirt that proclaimed “A woman’s place is in the House — and the Senate.” Add the White House to this design, and you’ll have a winner.

— A Potential Investor

Dear Mr. President;

Thank you for recognizing the complexity of the health care labyrinth in the United States and taking the first steps to make that care more accessible to all.

To your good health; Daisy

Hey Rush;

You, sir, have less of a brain than the Scarecrow of Oz. At least he did a great deal of thinking. I’m not sure you think at all. On the other hand, I’m sure you don’t.


Dear Todd (Akin, that is);

Are you serious? Where were you in biology class? First year health? Please drop off the House Science committee. You obviously weren’t in class when you needed to learn the basics.

– Teacher of Tomorrow’s Electorate

Dear Tammy (Baldwin);

I remember when you first ran for Congress and I wished you represented my district. Now you’re running for Senate, and I’m excited and energized at the possibilities. After meeting you, I’m even more impressed. I’ll continue to support your Senate race in any way I can.

-Wowed in Wisconsin

Dear Isaac;

Thanks for demonstrating to the G.O.P. that no matter how much money they spend, they cannot change the weather.

— Blowin’ in the Wind

Dear President Obama (I still love hearing that title!);

Thank you for publicly stating that you want the same opportunities for your daughters as anyone would for their sons. You set a prime example by installing Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. I would expect no less from the leader of the free world.

Daisy, a Dedicated Democrat


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More reasons why I enjoy my students

Actual answer on test (the question doesn’t matter):

I did what it says in the book like how your supposed to but My answer or thought may or is wrong. The median is the middle whisch is 6and hte mode is the number?

Later a sixth grader signed his email to me thanking me for my patience with him –

Thanks for your help! Sensory, C.J.

Sensory. Sincerely. Sure, I can see why he was confused. Or at least why his spell check didn’t get it. Maybe.

Teachers go back to work next Monday in my district. I’m looking forward to meeting my new students and their families and – oh, it feels great to be looking forward to the school year starting!

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Job Descriptions

Folks, I’m updating my LinkedIn profile with descriptions of past positions. The challenge is this: I’m not seeking a teaching job. I want to stress different skills honed while teaching. I’d like to demonstrate a sense of humor, but that’s dangerous on a professional style web site. Here’s an example. Input, friends and colleagues?

Substitute Teacher:

  • Adjusted to new routines, schedules, & locations daily
  • Responded to last minute requests
  • Practiced communication skills with all ages
  • Found talent in thinking quickly, changing plans in progress as necessary
  • Demonstrated patience of a saint

Elementary teacher

  • Learned curriculum for multiple grade levels
  • Differentiated instruction to meet students’ needs
  • Integrated the arts into classroom instruction
  • Communicated and cooperated with colleagues
  • Evaluated student progress using a variety of assessments

Many of these are still too educational in nature. Other possibilities, terms and words that might fit: 

  • mastered knowledge base – content material
  • recognized different learning styles
  • continued training and coursework
  • initiated grant applications (this on is on my resume already)
  • provided leadership in technology
  • battled public perception and kept positive attitude oops, getting snarky there.
  • balanced increasing workload
  • did more with less every year   Okay, that one is getting a little sarcastic and negative.

In general, I prefer the Sub Teacher list. Ideas, readers? Please leave a comment or two. Or more. 

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STEM and the election

STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math in education.  There are STEM conferences, STEM career fairs, and STEM grants. Science in general, though, doesn’t seem to be an election issue. Readers, you know I support re-electing President Obama. No matter if you live in a blue or red state, science is a reality in our lives. National Public Radio recognizes this with their Science Friday. Some of my favorite blogs, like the new Maker Mom, recognize the importance of science every day. Mother Nature Network, another of my favorites, suggests several topics for questioning any and all candidates.

Economics: how does science fit in with innovation and entrepreneurship?

Pandemics; Can the nation protect its residents from bio-terrorism or pandemic illness? Are there enough health care providers and other trained professionals to handle a pandemic flu or other illness?

Food and Farming: What steps would you take to ensure the safety of the country’s food supply?

Space: What are the nation’s goals in space exploration?

Science in public policy and law: How are scientists and other experts involved in the decisions and lawmaking regarding scientific information? How can the public feel assured that laws and policies include relevant and accurate scientific input?

Education: Where does the perception come from that U.S. students are behind other countries in science and math achievement? Is this perception correct? If so, where does education need to change in order to teach students the curiosity and thought skills they need in order to change? What kind of funding is available? Where will the money originate?

I admit it. Education is a high priority because I am an educator and I love teaching science. I enjoy getting my hands dirty, setting up situations that encourage students to question and think, and seeing the “A-ha!” moments when the light goes on. Now that the federal government is waiving some of the extensive (excessive) testing, maybe we can devote more time and energy to teaching STEM skills. I’m in. Are you?


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Ride, Sally, Ride.

She was a woman of firsts.

  • first class of female astronauts, 1978
  • first American woman in space
She was a trailblazer.
  • science major at Stanford University, physics
  • leader of investigative commissions (Challenger and Columbia explosions)
She used her celebrity status to educate.
  • founded Sally Ride Science
  • opened the world of science to girls
  • taught at the university level
  • led by example, breaking down barriers with class and a professional attitude

Because of you, Sally, many young women will reach for the stars. Thank you.

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Math in life as we know it

Once in a while, something like this catches my eye.

Once in a great while, references to Pi abound. That’s when it’s fun to be a teacher, and especially fun to teach sixth grade math. You see, readers, I was lucky enough to hold virtual class on March 14, 2012. 3-14, of course, is Pi Day.  Get it? 3.14 is the fourteenth day of the third month. Got it now?  3.14 is the number commonly used to represent the proportion we know as Pi. Twenty-two sevenths? Later, class. Later.

Okay, we’ll go on. The same day I saw the above image on Facebook, Jeopardy had an entire category devoted to Pi. I impressed myself by sweeping the category – that is, for you non-Trebekies, I knew all five answers in the column. Impressive, I thought. No comment from the peanut gallery, brother. Shh.

Later that night, I saw yet another math reference on Facebook. My cousin is enrolled in classes on her way to a career change, and she dreads her math classes. As she puts it, “I care more about the prime directive than prime numbers.” At least she’s straightforward with her attitude. Give my Trekkie cousin credit for knowing her mission.

But seriously, folks, knowing a little math is handy. Adding and subtracting decimals – keeping the checkbook balanced. Ratio and Unit Rate – which size package is the best deal? Basic percents – figuring out sales tax or a discount. Calculating a decent tip for the waitstaff? Use your knowledge of percent again. Look at the bill, move the decimal point to find 10%. Find half of that amount (5%, naturally) and add it to the first number (the 10%, remember?) Now you know how much to leave for a 15% tip. If you can’t do the math, trust me, the server can. You will risk under-tipping, which leads to potentially insulting the server, in which case you can never go to that place again. You might risk over-tipping, which raises expectations or makes you look like you’re math incompetent. Really, people, Math matters.

In addition to the above cartoon, I’ve had a lot of fun with the Sunday Comics pages. When a math geek character makes reference to the Fibonacci sequence, I can rattle off “0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,” and so on until the punch line makes sense. Look it up, friends. Really. It’s worth knowing. 

And when my friends and family are really struggling to figure out the discount or the tax or the tip, I’m reassuring them in a thoroughly verbal linguistic manner.

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Who ate your homework?

This was originally posted in February. I’m taking a few days off from blogging while I recover from the election and the end of school. Meanwhile,  I’ll insert a few encore performances (summer reruns) so all of you faithful readers can have a fair amount of content. 

Sorry, student. We might feel your pain, but the cat making your homework late is just another variation on an old theme.

In fact, your Social Studies teacher has a cat that helps grade essays and research projects. She pronounced this one “delicious.”

In my home, projects are at risk of being eaten, but not by a dog. Note to self; do not store student projects under the piano. In addition, feed bunny frequently.
Now if only we could train the animals to make coffee while we’re busy grading, progress reports would go so much faster!

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A Break, and Summer

I’m humming a little Gershwin, as I often do on the last day of the school year. As if the end of the school year and all it entails weren’t enough, we’re still regrouping from Tuesday’s election. I’m sorting through “goodbye and have a good summer” emails at school and “thanks for the support” emails at home. The only kind missing is “Goodbye, and thanks for all the fish!”

But meanwhile, back at the OkayByMe Ranch, I’m preparing for the low tech part of my summer: dirt therapy, also known as garden. I bought four packages of bamboo stakes, long ones, to use for the multitude of tomato plants that grew from seed. My excuse has been “They were old seeds; I didn’t know they’d all grow!” Well, they did, and the tomato gang will be a backstory all summer long.

While we public school teachers wound up our end-of-year records and cleaned our desks, we were still reeling from the election results just days ago. The Rich Republicans may have predicted we public servants and our Democratic cohorts would slink away with our tails between our legs. Nope. Not in this town. The local Democratic party will be marching in Saturday’s parade, which is the largest Flag Day parade in the state, if not the nation. They’ll be one entry among many, but they’ll be there.

So I’ll take a break, a well earned break, dig in the dirt, visit the farmers’ markets, and make my own kinds of contributions at the storefront turned political hub downtown.

Maybe they’ll like tomatoes.

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The healing begins – or does it?

We were all rather subdued at work today. The cubicles that are usually full of laughter and  happy talk were quiet, with only the minimal phone calls taking place. We huddled in our own little cloth-covered squares, finalized report cards, and mourned the loss of the recall election.

It was our loss as much as anyone’s. We public school teachers were the central target of the Governor’s attack on collective bargaining. We were not the only group that got hit hard when Act 10 passed, but we were the most noticeable and the easiest target for the general public. We public school teachers (now perceived as public enemies) joined forces with progressives all over the state of Wisconsin to campaign for Tom Barrett to replace Scott Walker.

Today I read concession emails from groups on the side of loss. The election was so close, so hard-fought, I can’t call Tom Barrett a loser. I can’t call those who worked to elect him losers or lost, either. We worked so hard and worked so long that I still feel we won a battle, even if our side lost the war.

United Wisconsin thanked their members and supporters by reminding all that it wasn’t easy, but we did it. “We did it with strength, civility, conviction, and determination. For over a year and a half we worked together across this great state to bring about this historic election.” Civility. Conviction. Worked together. The process, the journey, was rewarding in itself.

We didn’t get the results we wanted, but we made Walker and his groupies see that money may talk, but ordinary people are the ones who sing and dance and make phone calls and knock on doors. The Overpass Light Brigade, the Solidarity Singers, sign brigades, door to door canvassing and phone banks – all of these strategies took people power rather than money power.

Tom Barrett’s concession letter referred to democracy as “…the ultimate participatory sport.” He thanked his backers for their passion and spirit. His letter’s conclusion is perhaps the most important. The emphasis is mine, but his words are bold on their own.

“A healthy democracy requires lively debates, but it also requires that we listen, that we roll-up our sleeves, and that we work together to do what is right.”

Listen. Work together. The ground troops, the canvassers and the phone bankers, the sign-distributors, holders of the lights, and singers for solidarity, understand the process of working together. Reaching out to the other side will be the hard part.

For the sake of our state and its progressive tradition, I’ll do my best.

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I am teacher, and I am fluent in text-speak.

As seen on Ellen; 

Parent texting teen: What do you want for supper?
Teen responds: idk
Parent: What does that mean?
Teen: I don’t know. 
Parent: Then should you be using it, if you don’t know what it means?!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I receive emails in this sort of lingo often in my work. In fact, I’ve had to school myself in text-speak in order to communicate with my students!

Hey Mrs.Daisy,
Whacha doin’. just wondering .Wrong question. You’re at work. he he. ok. Thank You so much for teaching me this year! It was awesome! Have a wonderful Summer Break! 🙂 

Well, she did pull herself together and use more appropriate formal language toward the end of the note. Then she signed it.

Have a Nice Morning, Day, and Evening, Night, and Midnight! lol!
U Rock!??????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):)

When I read a note like this one, I feel a little like Sally Field winning her second Oscar. It matters a little less that the governor is continually undermining my profession. The people who matter, those who need me the most, those who are too young to vote, know how much I care. They know I’m working hard for them each and every day.

It’s for those young people, the students, our future, that I am determined to get out the vote one week from today. Let’s make it awesome. Let’s make the election results rock.!!!:):):)

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