I left you yesterday with a big view of the big garden area. When Chuck put this together, he created walkways so I could plant, weed, and harvest without slogging through the dirt. Not that I mind playing in the dirt – but back to the garden tour.
One set of straw bales plays home to jalapeno peppers. I predict salsa in our future.
One the other side, the bales provide soil and support for yellow banana peppers. These are delicious. We eat some, freeze some, and last summer I pickled some.
Two squares are devoted to beans, the green and yellow kinds. Some type of furry creature has been nibbling here. The evidence points toward a deer, and we do occasionally see one of those lovely critters in the area. I just wish they’d feast on something else.
The tomatoes also get two squares. This one is growing like wildfire. It hardly needs the support poles; these tomato plants are winding together to hold each other up!
A variety of lettuces fill the center square. There’s one empty corner. My theory: old seeds that didn’t grow. Oh, well, I have plenty.
Well, folks, despite the late start, I’m growing quite a bit of food for my family and friends. I don’t feel like a doomsday prepper (yet), but I do enjoy the feeling of watching the garden grow.