Tag Archives: Yes we can
>One week away —
>One week from now, our community and state will go to the polls. Highlights? Lowlights? I’m glad you asked.
>Make an impact: what’s your influencing style?
>A teacher friend on Plurk led me to this article in the Harvard Business Review online. We (my Plurk, I mean, Professional Learning Network) discussed our own influencing styles. Teachers are leaders, and teachers influence many every day of each school year. We have opportunities to influence students, the students’ parents, students’ friends & siblings. On another level, we influence other teachers, administrators (sometimes), and incoming teachers, too.
- Rationalizing
- Asserting
- Negotiating
- Inspiring
- Bridging
>Why I Volunteer — a personal political statement
>Dear Scottie; it’s just not working.
>I didn’t write this. I wish I had; it’s brilliant. The original source is the Wisconsin Democratic Party leadership.
>On teaching, voting, and cooking supper
>Election Day wasn’t bad, all things considered. My ward has a lot of well-informed and politically active people, including our representative in the state assembly. We found the new poll location, pulled our photo IDs out to prove we are who we are, the poll workers blinked at my double name (older people: most young ones don’t even notice) because it didn’t match the poll listings exactly. It was close enough that they let me vote.
>I talked about pocket change vs. a living wage. Right now, hubs and I are guarding our living wage and working on stashing pocket change. Did you guess why? Hint: laptop, minivan, replacement, repairs.
>How much is a million?

>Red hats or pink ribbons? Komen or PP?
>Political or financial? Policy or personal? Planned or —
>Pocket Change or a Living Wage
>Living Wage: a salary or wages sufficient for paying basic expenses such as rent or mortgage, food, utilities, transportation, and the like.