
Two-year-olds are so good at this. They say no easily, and mean it. They’re not malicious, they’re not mean, they’re just sincere in their right of refusal.

Take my niece for example.

SIL: “Eat your soup, Audrey.”
Audrey: “No. Hot.” — stated so seriously and in such an adorable voice that we knew she meant it.

At Christmas, after opening a present containing her new Aaron Rodgers jersey:
Brother: “Audrey, would you like to try on your new shirt?”
Audrey: (looking at her tummy, putting a hand on her sweater) “No.” –again, very logical. Why would she put on another shirt, no matter how special, when she was already dressed? Geez, these grown-ups lack common sense.

Grown-ups do indeed lack common sense at times. Teachers, parents – nurturers, especially, have a hard time saying no. Put in extra time to finish progress reports? Of course. Bring in a couple of side dishes for the pot luck lunch? Naturally. Take on additional students for a day? Not a problem.
Sooner or later we run out of hours in the day and energy with which to productively fill those hours. We keep saying Yes because it’s expected, because we feel we must. Maybe, just maybe, it’s time to channel our inner two year old. Calmly, logically, seriously, and in such sweet voices that no one can resist, we need to say it.

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>One week away —

>One week from now, our community and state will go to the polls. Highlights? Lowlights? I’m glad you asked.

We’re electing both new and experienced supervisors to the County Board, due to redistricting. Chuck and I have talked to the supervisor who represents our neighborhood. We’ve also helped a friend with her campaign.
Wisconsin holds its presidential primary. Some time in the next week, I expect Chuck to get called out to drive the satellite truck to a rally or two or three or four.
My fair city elects or re-elects a mayor.
Wisconsin holds its presidential primary. I am getting really good at keeping the TV remote near me so I can mute campaign commercials.
My local school district, a.k.a. my employer, chooses two candidates out of three who are running for two open seats on the school board. The two incumbents are good people; the potential newcomer holds some dangerously narrow views. He’s already made clear his opinions on the freshman reading list. Let’s just say his point of view is different from mine.
Wisconsin holds its presidential primary. Robo-calls, campaign calls, and survey calls will keep my phone ringing. Thank goodness for caller ID.
And when it’s over, all over, we’ll turn our attention to the upcoming recall election in June, when the divisiveness hits the polls. Our state will be divided for a long time. I will keep working to elect legislators who cooperate and think carefully before writing and voting on bills. To me, that’s the biggest problem facing our divided legislature: the poorly written laws being rushed through the Assembly and Senate.

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>Make an impact: what’s your influencing style?

>A teacher friend on Plurk led me to this article in the Harvard Business Review online. We (my Plurk, I mean, Professional Learning Network) discussed our own influencing styles. Teachers are leaders, and teachers influence many every day of each school year. We have opportunities to influence students, the students’ parents, students’ friends & siblings. On another level, we influence other teachers, administrators (sometimes), and incoming teachers, too.

Here are the main influencing styles, according to the HBR.
  • Rationalizing
  • Asserting
  • Negotiating
  • Inspiring
  • Bridging
My main styles are rationalizing and negotiating. I rationalize in print every time I write a grant. Every time I discuss the value of virtual schools, I rationalize a unique form of education. Rationalizing can be positive: for me, it means finding the reasons for what I’m doing and sharing those reasons with others. I rationalize by writing letters in support of my favorite candidates for office, too.
Ah, negotiating. Long ago, when I worked in a child care center, I stepped into an argument and removed a pan of heavy serving dishes from the hands of one of the angry staffers. I brought this out of the boxing ring and into the kitchen to prevent breakage and injury, but it turned out to be the move that made the combatants settle down a bit, too. Taking the physical barrier out of the way also made the two feel more equal: one no longer had the tag of “kitchen help” weighing on her – literally or figuratively.
Training peer mediators was a great way to spread my negotiating skills. In training mediators, I had the chance to work with some wonderful students who really cared about making a difference. Non-violent crisis intervention was another valuable training for my peacemaker tendencies. Group facilitation and AODA support group training offered skills for negotiating woven into the counseling techniques.
As for the others –
Asserting: I’m more likely to back down or negotiate a compromise than assert myself too firmly. I consider conflict and fights to be a waste of time and energy. Mediation feels more productive.
Inspiring: Teachers inspire no matter which other style of influence they favor. Every time a student picks up a book we recommend and actually likes it, there’s an influence. When a parent hears the same comment from several teachers over a span of years, that parent might begin to listen and accept the influence from school staff. Now that I think of it, inspiring is part of my style, too. I just don’t think of it very often.
Bridging: This would seem like a companion for negotiating, but it’s actually more of a networking strategy. Connecting with others, building consensus and coalitions, depending on others to return favors, and uniting with an expanded group of like-minded people – salespeople use these skills, political candidates develop and hone theirs, but do teachers work this way? Some do. It’s an area where I see a need for growth, at least on a personal level.
Teacher influence , no matter which style, spreads to the general public. We prepare and train hundreds of students who bring their talents and skills to an educated workforce. We attempt to influence those who set policy and write laws; we’re not always successful in that arena.
Perhaps a chance in influencing style would help.

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>Why I Volunteer — a personal political statement


Top Ten Reasons I Volunteer
10. I’m one of many who are suffering under the actions of current state *cough* leadership.
9. The tea party war against women sets us back fifty years – or more. What’s next, repeal the 19th amendment? No, don’t answer that.
8. One coworker no longer admits to being a teacher. She’s tired of the blame game in the public realm that considers state employees to be a drain on the budget, rather than hardworking professionals.
7. Grass roots are strong; anyone who has tried to turn a patch of lawn into a vegetable garden knows that. Grass roots movements thrive on volunteer contributions.
6. Contributions don’t have to be financial to be worthwhile. My volunteer time makes a difference.
5. I vote, and my vote counts. I help others realize that their votes count, too.
4. I’m not willing to run for office, but I’m willing and able to work for others who will lead well.
3. The National Education Association (NEA) was once called a terrorist organization. Now my state association members are being called “thugs.” Name-calling used to be a playground problem; I’m doing what I can to get this childish behavior out of the state capitol.
2. Someone has to make a difference.
And number one, the top reason for volunteering, is borrowed from Dr. Seuss. In the words of the Once-ler, here it is:
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better; it’s not. —Dr. Seuss

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>Dear Scottie; it’s just not working.

>I didn’t write this. I wish I had; it’s brilliant. The original source is the Wisconsin Democratic Party leadership.

By the way, how do you break up with a guy on a tractor? I’ll tell you when we’re done breaking up with Scottie.
Dear Scott,

There’s no easy way to say this, so I’m just going to come right out and say it. This isn’t working. It’s time for us to see other people.

I wish I could say that it was me, not you, but we both know that isn’t true. It’s you. When we first got together, part of me really had reservations, but the other part was so hopeful about what we could become together. But then you did it – you know what you did.

When you dropped that bomb on me a year ago, it changed the way I thought of you. You never told me that’s what you were planning. We never talked about that. Ever. If you had told me the truth, I doubt we ever would have gotten together in the first place. It made me wonder if I could ever trust you again.
And when I told you how I was hurting, and how your betrayal rocked me to the core, what did you do? You kept lying. You said it was my fault. That what I wanted – a great education for my kids, affordable healthcare for the people I care about, and to see my friends and neighbors work family-sustaining jobs where they are treated with respect and dignity — was too much. An “entitlement.” Well maybe you just think I’m high-maintenance, but I don’t think those things are too much to ask for.

So… I think it’s best that we cut our losses and both move on. I don’t know exactly what my future holds, but I know I just don’t see you in it any more. You might be a disgrace in my eyes, but you’ll land on your feet. You have plenty of rich friends for whom you’ve done a TON of favors. Someone will take care of you.
And speaking of your friends, that’s another thing I just can’t handle. How could you think I’d be okay with inviting people who steal from the families of veterans, commit sex crimes against children, and criminally misuse public office into my home?

But really, all of this just brings me back to your terrible judgment and dishonesty. I need someone who listens to me, is honest with me and wants to see me be the best I can be. Someone who will cherish the values and institutions I hold so dear. Because you clearly aren’t that person.
Okay, readers. In the good Wisconsin farmland tradition, the punch line. How do you break up with a guy on a tractor? Send him a John Deere letter, of course.

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>On teaching, voting, and cooking supper

>Election Day wasn’t bad, all things considered. My ward has a lot of well-informed and politically active people, including our representative in the state assembly. We found the new poll location, pulled our photo IDs out to prove we are who we are, the poll workers blinked at my double name (older people: most young ones don’t even notice) because it didn’t match the poll listings exactly. It was close enough that they let me vote.

Yesterday I wondered why the meat was taking so long to cook. It looked done, but the meat thermometer kept giving me dangerously low numbers – at least it did until I realized what was wrong and turned the temperature readout back to Fahrenheit. Shhh. You’ve done that, too, haven’t you?
I must learn when to sit on my hands and keep quiet. We are short a teacher temporarily at school, a high school language arts teacher. I’m not a high school teacher, but I do know much of the literature at that level. I offered to help out. I haven’t regretted it yet… but remind me later that no one forced me to do this: I stuck my neck out and offered.
Back on the topic of Election Day, my fellow blogger and good friend Green Girl made it through her primary election for school board. Now comes the real work: the main election. Readers, head over to her blog to congratulate her; she deserves it! Instead of complaining about the local schools, she has taken action to make the situation better.
Making the situation better: that’s what running for office is all about. Go Green Girl!

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>I talked about pocket change vs. a living wage. Right now, hubs and I are guarding our living wage and working on stashing pocket change. Did you guess why? Hint: laptop, minivan, replacement, repairs.

We ‘re not desperate. We’re not going to miss any bills. With recent expenses, though, we feel we must be careful. A few thoughts:
Double duty: de-junk the house and pocket the money. It’s time to clean the bookshelves and pay a visit to half Price Books again. Maybe Chuck will be willing to browse his CDs at the same time. It worked for my cookbooks! I created space on the shelf and put $20 in my pocket.
Use caution, not credit. Paying cash ensures immediate payment with zero interest. This means preparing to have cash on hand – or preparing not to spend.
Eat at home. Most of the time this is easy. I should say it’s easier, cheaper, and healthier, too. I’m planning on trying a new marmalade recipe soon. One more set of pretty jars in the cabinet – one more product (jam, marinade, sauce) that we won’t buy in the future.
Walk. I’m lucky to live within walking distance of my workplace. In winter weather, I’ve managed to get in one to two days a week. That’s one or two days less wear and tear on my minivan. It’s also one or two days of lower gas consumption. It’s an investment in my overall health, too, and there’s no price tag on that.
Put off non-essential purchases. I can’t decide if Amigo’s socks fall into this category or not. At the least, I can wait for a sale or a good discount code.
Use bonuses carefully. Chuck used a prescription rebate ($10 on a $20 purchase) to replace a lampshade. The lampshade was wearing out and could have become a fire hazard. The in-store sale and the $10 coupon made it a deal.
Clean the bathroom cupboards. Yeah, yeah, no fun, but I always seem to find toiletries in the far corners under the sinks. Conditioner, shampoo, you name it, and then I don’t have to buy it. Work for me.
And in the long run, I’m going to work and work and work some more to get the Puppet in the Governor’s Mansion recalled. He and his handlers are responsible for my pay cut and the uncertainty in my job security. Getting him recalled will help many: public employees and those they serve.

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>How much is a million?


If you wanted a swimming pool that would hold a million gallons, you’d better have a big yard. Your pool would have to be 267 feet long, 50 feet wide, and 10 feet deep.
If you counted once per second, eight hours a day, seven days a week, it would take you a little over a month to count to one million.
If you wanted to recall a governor and your organization needed to submit just over 500,000 petition signatures, gathering and submitting a million instead sends a strong message.
Voters don’t need a backyard pool that holds a million gallons. We’d rather take time to support our families than time to count to one million. But knowing that more than one million ordinary, everyday citizens are so disillusioned with their governor that they want to kick him out of office: now that’s worth a million.
Recall Walker Rally Sign

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>Red hats or pink ribbons? Komen or PP?

>Political or financial? Policy or personal? Planned or —

Folks, Komen et al knew what they were getting into when they made their poor decision. They didn’t realize that women of all ages and all incomes and all faiths would jump straight to their computers and blog it, sing it to the world, and then donate money to Planned Parenthood.
Two bloggers named Margaret and Helen posted about pink razors, Planned Parenthood, and politics. Please take a look at what they have to say. These two are done having babies, but they’re not done taking care of women in the U.S. Here it is: Pink Razors.

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>Pocket Change or a Living Wage

>Living Wage: a salary or wages sufficient for paying basic expenses such as rent or mortgage, food, utilities, transportation, and the like.

Pocket change: small amounts of money brought in to supplement a wage; not enough to be a living or a second job, but enough to help buy extras.
Second job: supplements a main job in an attempt to bring total income up into the range of a living wage.
Dear So-called Governor Walker;
When you consider job-related legislation, please keep in mind the differences between the three defined above. In order to keep citizens in Wisconsin and discourage them from moving away, people need to earn a living, not just work. It seems you’ve grown out of touch with the people who actually pay bills regularly. Maybe those speaking engagements (out of state, raising big bucks from PACs and wealthy donors) are giving you the wrong impression: the impression that anyone and everyone has bucks to spare. To tell you the truth, most of us everyday citizens are grasping tightly every cent.
So Gov. Walker, next time your entourage passes a yard sale, remember that the people there may really need the money to buy groceries. When you see a second-hand bookstore, consider that a struggling worker may have sold a stack of books to put a few gallons of gas in the car. Do you see the family cleaning closets and preparing clothing for a consignment store? They may be doing more than de-cluttering; they might be bringing in the cash to buy a workplace wardrobe for someone who hasn’t yet received a paycheck. And if that paycheck isn’t a living wage, well, can you really take credit for job creation in our state? No, I don’t think so.
My ramblings could move yet to the need for an educated workforce, but I know you don’t understand that, either. Maybe if you’d taken the time to actually graduate from college, finish that degree, you could better understand the dedication and motivation it takes to accomplish a goal. A positive goal, that is: a goal that betters the individual and all those around him.
In closing, Governor, if you really want Wisconsin to remain a great state, think outside the box — your isolated, security-protected box. Make yourself aware that the living wage is an essential part of living, and a quality education is essential to get there.
Did you notice I made my points without blowing my cover as a public school teacher? Clever, eh?

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