Signs of Spring at the O.K. Chorale

My signs of spring may differ from yours. I’ll share a few.

Picnic table

Picnic table

The picnic table is an island of ground surrounded by snow. In an ocean of snow? No, not that much. Maybe a Great Lake.

Grilling time!

Grilling time!

Chuck finished the taxes yesterday! He is celebrating by getting out the grill. Pay no attention to that pile of snow behind the grill! We are starting up the charcoal and having steaks for supper.



Closer to the house, a bunny peeks out to see the sun. It’s a ceramic bunny, not a fuzzy one, but it’s still a hint that the ground may be ready for planting sometime. Oh, and I now see where I “stored” the last batch of walking onion bulbs.

Readers, what are signs of spring at your abode?


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