>World Language? Bilingual is where it’s at.

>Obama ignited a few fires when he recommended teaching American students a second language. I have one question for the doubters.

What’s the problem?!!?

Many Americans grow up with the Ugly American Entitlement attitude. Contrary to some popular belief, we’re not always popular. The “Speak English and do it now!” attitude contributes to this problem.
I’ve taught many children who spoke another language before they spoke English. Some spoke Hmong, some Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, and more. In addition to my native Midwestern dialect of American English, I speak a fair amount of Spanish.
The best advantage to an elementary teacher like me isn’t the Spanish vocabulary, although that’s extremely helpful. The real advantage comes from experiences in learning and respecting cultures that differ from my own.
I don’t speak Hmong, but I’ve learned a great deal about the Hmong people, their history, and their culture. I’ve also met several families who came from Brazil to live here in the U.S. My Spanish is no match for their Brazilian Portuguese, but rather reminds me how challenging it is to read and learn in a new language. I learned to enjoy the student who grew up speaking English, encouraged by his bilingual mother (Arabic and English). Then there was the family from Somalia by way of Egypt; the children were very well educated in their native Arabic. Learning English set them back, frustrating the intelligent and capable children for a while.
Regular readers of Compost Happens know that I am hearing impaired. I chose not to learn ASL, American sign language, because I live and work in a hearing world. Instead, I wear two powerful hearing aids and I’m learning to read lips. Like another language, these are tools that help me communicate.
A teaching colleague told me about her husband’s job which includes frequent travel to China. No one, not one employee at the manufacturer, speaks Chinese. He began learning the language as a professional courtesy. If his local school district started a language program in Chinese, the career possibilities for their graduates would increase exponentially. Not only would they be well equipped to work for the local enginemaker, but they’d have an understanding of another culture that is very different from their own.
And that, my friends, is priceless.

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4 thoughts on “>World Language? Bilingual is where it’s at.

  1. >AMEN!!! I get so sick of the Republican “Learn English if you want to live here” attitude. And I’m so sick of Obama’s every word being scrutinized. Geez, poor guy can’t order a pizza without it being misconstrued in the media.

  2. >The English only crowd and the affiliation to the big business party puzzles me. Someone who is bilingual is more marketable in the Global Economy we have now. Someone who is bilingual will have many more opportunities to line their pockets. These traits alone should have the Republican Party pushing hard on our schools to get their kids up to speed. But oddly, they don’t.

    But then your post succinctly covers this blind spot – “Ugly American entitlement”.

    Good post.

  3. >I would like to argue the case for learning Esperanto as a universal language. It is a planned language which belongs to no one country or group of states.

    Take a look at http://www.esperanto.net
    Esperanto works!

    I’ve used it in speech and writing in a dozen countries over recent years.

    Perhaps this is too radical for Obama. I’d be interested to know what you think.


  4. >Bill’s comments may seem scary.

    To think of a sensible alternative to English as an international language may be unthinkable?

    However there is more serious attention now devoted to Esperanto.

    Nine British MP’s have nominated this new global language for the Nobel Peace Prize 2008.

    You can check detail on http://www.lernu.net

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