>My bio – profile – whatever

>I enjoy blogging. Writing is a natural form of expression for me. So why, when I have to write about myself, is it so difficult? I had to create an author bio for an upcoming piece on my employer’s corporate blog. Aside from searching for pictures (I’m usually behind the camera), the biggest challenges was — writing.

After an hour, an hour at my desk in which I stared at the screen, shook myself out of my trance to loan out a math book, and took one phone call, I came up with this. I’m not sure I like it. Maybe it’s fine. Maybe it stinks.
I’ll use my real name, of course. Daisy is my bloggy pseudonym and my plurk-twitter persona. I teach, write, and vote (with picture ID, of course) under my real name. Okay, I admit it, I changed a few identifying details for this post, too.

Elementary Teacher, grade 5

Middle School Teacher, grade 6 Language Arts and Math

Interests include: music, organic gardening, green living, advocacy for disabilities, playing Trivia games

Daisy graduated from Lovely University, a small liberal arts school in Wisconsin, with a Bachelor of Music degree. She returned to school at University of Wisconsin – GB to earn her elementary teaching license and followed up with a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction from Creative Arts U.

Daisy, better known as Mrs. Teacher, enjoys bringing the arts into her teaching whenever possible. Due to a progressive hearing loss, she no longer teaches music or judges festivals. Teaching at a virtual school offers the opportunity to continue applying her teaching skills and experience while taking advantage of her own personal geekiness. (Letting her personal geek shine? I don’t know. I wanted to keep it light.)

Why she is Passionate about Virtual Schooling

One of Daisy’s favorite aspects of virtual teaching is getting to know parents and students through regular communication. This partnership of learning coaches (usually parents) with teachers provides a uniquely strong support network for students.

Connections Academy continues to evolve as education and technology grow and develop. Daisy enjoys continually learning new ways of mixing technology with the personal touch to help her students reach their greatest potential.

So there you have it, audience. Readers, suggestions?

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Letters to our "Leaders"

Dear President Lincoln,

You told us that “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” I know you meant the nation’s splitting into two, Union and Confederate, fighting brother against brother. Unfortunately, your statement would be apt today in my home state – Wisconsin.
Dear State Senator Ellis,
Do you remember your offhand, spontaneous, condescending statement from last Monday night? No, not the one making all the media where you called a local high school a “sewer”. I’m talking about when you told my friend and professional colleague that if she didn’t like teaching, she should get another job. She informed you in no uncertain terms that we, the dozens of teachers in attendance, love teaching. We hate what you’ve done to teachers.
Dear Soon-to-be-Former Governor Walker,
We love our jobs; we hate how you treat our profession. We used to be public employees, dedicating to educating today’s children, tomorrow’s workforce. Under your rule (reign? You seem to feel all-powerful and kingly), we’ve been changed from public servants to public enemies.
Dear voters;
Bring photo ID to the polls, and be prepared for long lines. Your vote counts! Let’s get this state back to its progressive tradition. Let’s elect leaders who lead by example, not by force.
Let’s elect legislators who lead not by dividing, but by uniting.

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>Random Thoughts and Lobbying

>The roads were still slick, so I had to drive carefully.

The van near the old bus depot had a logo on the side. It was the shuttle for the Warming Center, an overnight shelter. One thought: I’m glad there is a safe and warm place to go. Second thought: it’s sad that people are in such dire straits that this service is a necessity.
Pulling up to a parking space, I dropped in enough change for an hour and a half. If I got a parking ticket, that would probably be a sign that I should give up on politics. Right? Nah.
The event had, as always, a good buffet of munchies and a cash bar. We nibbled, we caught up with friends who were there, and then started pointing out the important people, those we were there to meet.
Meet, greet, work the room. Teachers really don’t train for situations like this. Business people do, and politicians excel in the atmosphere. We’re learning. More teachers are getting active than ever before. We must. There is no option.
Soon-to-be-former Gov. Walker didn’t show. He didn’t send a staff member, either. At least my congressman sent a staffer – someone who turned out to be familiar to me because his child was in my class a few years ago. Ah, my chance! I can do this; make small talk (I was sincerely interested in hearing about his son’s progress), and ease the way for the more direct of my colleagues who would bring up the legislation that mattered to us.
I met and talked to or listened to my state assembly rep, another state assembly member from a nearby district (great guy – why have I not met him before?), & our county executive. I waved a greeting to my state senator (he doesn’t know me, but I keep writing him letters) and signed all the attendance sheets for those elected officials who didn’t see this event as necessary.
Now the real work begins. I’ve said it before, and you’ll hear me say it again. Those with whom I spoke tonight won’t remember me, my profession, or my concerns. Now it’s time to write follow up letters.
Dear Lawmaker;
Thank you for attending/ sending a staff member/ ignoring the Meet Your Legislators event in downtown Happy Valley. I attended as part of WEAC- FV…. that’ll scare the Governor; maybe I shouldn’t mention my sponsor. At least I didn’t introduce myself as a Recall Volunteer. Okay, start over.
Dear Lawmaker;
Thank you for attending/ sending a staffer/ ignoring the Meet Your Legislators event in downtown Happy Valley. I’m glad I had the chance to talk with you/ meet you/ wave to you/ leave my name on your calling card. I am deeply concerned about the negative politcal climate in our fair state.
The divisiveness, the bullying, the battles. The poorly written legislation, rough drafted in a hurry to be pushed through as quickly as possible while the Powers That Be are still in Power. As slick as a winter street…. oh, no, that’s not even relevant. Revise, edit, slice, dice, and rewrite.
This kind of lawmaking creates problems, not solutions. Please take the time to consider and think of those who are affected by your decisions. We are real people, with real families, real jobs (yes! we work! hard!), and real challenges. These politically charged knee-jerk reactions to non-existent issues…. oh, here I go again. This needs to be redone, too.
Well, at least I have a rough draft. I will now pretend I’m a role model for those who read the letters, and I will take the time to read, reread, revise, and edit. After all, I am a leader in the community – a public school teacher, a public employee: a public school teacher.
How should I sign off? Suggestions, readers?
Respectfully (or not)
I know one thing – I’m sure not signing it “Love.”

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>Flu shots: there’s still time!


Amigo visited our family doctor last week to get his ear checked out and flushed out. The nurse asked him if he’d had a flu shot. He replied in the affirmative, that he’d got it at school, from the school nurses that serve the residential school for the blind. We didn’t have an exact date, but we estimated late October.
Amigo is wise beyond his 20 years when it comes to flu. He knows how miserable a case of influenza can be. He’s always been one who doesn’t get sick often, but when he does, he gets really, really sick. He signed up for the flu shot at school registration, got our signatures on the approval sheet (even though he’s old enough that he didn’t need them), and willingly got his flu shot. He knows what the Center for Disease Control (CDC) says: The flu vaccine is your best protection against the flu.
Timing of influenza outbreaks is unpredictable. I will always remember the impact of H1N1 on my fourth grade students. My class had at least five and as many as ten students out each day for a time period of three to four weeks. That outbreak came in October, but outbreaks can occur as late as May.
Flu vaccines are usually available in early autumn and remain available for several months. Last year, the flu peaked in February. A January flu shot isn’t too late.
Not all families have good coverage and a family doctor, and not everyone has access to a school nurse, either. If you’d like to find a location near you, look here.
Learn about Who Needs A Flu Vaccine. http://www.cdc.gov/flu/protect/whoshouldvax.htm
Information and web links from the Center for Disease Control: I received no monetary compensation for writing this post. I wrote it to bring valuable information to my readers.

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>Quick Beef Burrito Skillet

>Amigo and I visited our favorite diner for lunch yesterday. For the first time, we ordered almost exactly the same thing: the Mexican skillet. Both of us had hash browns & wheat toast. The only difference – he had his eggs scrambled, and mine were over easy.

That got me thinking. We must be able to make a similar brunch dish at home. I dug into my recipe files, and sure enough, I found one. I haven’t made this yet, but it looks easy and delicious. Home made salsa will add an extra homey touch.
Quick Beef Burrito Skillet
1 lb. ground beef
1 package taco seasoning mix
1 can (19 oz.) kidney beans, drained, rinsed
1 cup salsa
1 cup water
4 flour tortillas 6 inch size), cut into 1 1/2 inch squares
1 cup cheese – Mexican style, if you have it
1/3 cup sour cream
1/3 cup chopped green onions
Brown and drain beef.
Add seasoning mix, salsa, water, and beans. Bring to a boil. Simmer for five minutes.
Stir in tortillas. Top with cheese. Cover. Let stand 5 minutes or until cheese is melted.
Top with sour cream and onions.
Other ideas? Readers, what else could I add – or subtract? I do like things simple, especially on school nights.

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>Politics; out of the mouths of youngsters

>Fifth graders, that is. Eleven year-olds. They’ve been learning about the Articles of Confederation and the events and debates and compromises leading up to the writing and ratification of the United States Constitution. I’ve been correcting their tests lately, and the essay questions and their thoughtful or not-so-much answers have kept me thinking.

I can’t post the specific question, but I’ll just tell you that they were discussing the creation of the Constitution and interpreting George Washington’s warning against the destructive nature of political parties.

Actual student answers:
-“To watch out for political parties.”
This kid has a point.

-“I think Washington wanted people to be happy and to work as a team.”
Can this student run for office some day? Please?

-“They would disagree on things because they would have different opinions and they would argue a lot.”
Run-on sentence aside, she was predicting the future with amazing accuracy. Maybe her family has been following the presidential primaries.

-“It creates tensions and the good that could be done is lost in the arguments of each party’s plans.”
Another candidate for office someday – governor, perhaps.

“Washington knew that if the country split into political parties, then the country would be more split up and there would be too many disagreements.”
Politicians, stand warned. This student and others like him will be voting before you know it.

It’s time, it’s well past time, to start cooperating. Bipartisan collaboration would be a good start, but in all honesty, nonpartisan cooperation would be even better.
I’m sure George would agree.

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>Back in the Saddle Again

>It took a little more than I expected. Going back after break wasn’t as smooth as I thought it might be. Then I remembered.

I didn’t teach a full year last year. Coming back after break is a new skill – or one I need to remember from two years ago. I ran into unexpected responses as 2012 Back to School began.
My sleep routine was completely mixed up. I had trouble getting to sleep at night, staying asleep at night, and getting up in the morning. I tried a variety of solutions with a variety of results.
One night of Ambien. One night should be okay. My dependence on the drug developed after several months’ use, but one night – well, it wasn’t okay. I slept well that night, but the following night felt like withdrawal all over again. Deep sigh. I guess I can’t chance taking this again.
After a sleepless night filled with symptoms of withdrawal, I thought I’d be exhausted enough to collapse into dreamland. Not so. Around midnight I gave in and took six mg of melatonin. It helped me get to sleep; getting up in the morning was still difficult.
Melatonin may be my temporary solution. By taking it every night, on Friday I felt awake and energized. If this week’s sleep goes better, I can start walking to work again. The walk in itself will help me sleep at night, and the fresh air will help wake me in the morning. Look out, walking shoes, here I come!
Sleep is precious. After the past year’s experiences, I’ll never take sleep for granted again. Monday, here I come: hopefully with a full night’s deposit in the sleep bank.

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>The Opposite of a Boycott


What’s the opposite of a boycott? In the 1970s and 1980s, Ms. magazine might have called it a Girl-cott or a Woman-cott. The premise is simple; instead of boycotting, or refusing to buy from certain companies, make a commitment to spend money where it counts. Support the companies that support the causes that you support.
Confused? Here’s an example.
Since our state legislature became fiercely divided along partisan lines, voices are emerging on the side of public workers. These voices are not necessary anti-Gov. Walker, but they sing the praises of those who earn their living by working in the public sector.
Penzey’s Spices, a Milwaukee-based company, has been outspoken in their support of teachers. Bill Penzey said, “To be pro-business is to be pro-education.” He understands that an educated workforce doesn’t cost, it pays. With that in mind, he set out to recognize teachers in the state.
He began by dedicating a spice to the kindness and dedication that teachers show – a spice named for the Wisconsin State Motto, Forward. Then he created a gift box including a bottle of the new spice, a small bottle of cinnamon, a book of teacher-supplied recipes, a teacher pin and a bumper sticker stating, “Teachers Care.” He gave a box to each and every teacher in the Milwaukee Public Schools.
This is more than a token appreciation gift. By donating a valuable product to a large number of public employees, he reminds the citizens and voters and yes, business owners, that public employees are not public enemies, but dedicated public servants.
Now – the opposite of a boycott. Whether this strategy has a name or not, the process is simple. Buy from companies like Penzey’s Spices. Whenever you get a chance, let them know why you chose to buy from their company as opposed to others. Speak with your dollars and with your words.
ow if you’ll excuse me, I need move forward and experiment with my new spice – right after I set out my red Teacher pin to wear to work tomorrow.

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>Cooking School!

>Rouxbe Cooking School online

Lesson One: Pan Frying
I learned quite a bit from this lesson. I’m a decent cook and my adventurous side shows in the kitchen, too. This basic technique lesson included heating the pan, controlling the pan temperature, and when to adjust the heat. The lesson suggested a stainless steel pan that can also go in the oven. I received one for my birthday, and I haven’t had the courage to use it yet.
Each lesson follows the same structure: Goals, Video, Practice, Quiz, and Discussion. The videos are good; simple, easy to follow, and yet not condescending or dumbed down. Practical advice exists, too. The pan frying lesson recommends a stainless steel pan, but includes a section on other types of pans, including cast iron.
After the lesson comes the fun part: the Edible Exercises, or Practice sessions. Rouxbe offers a recipe collection featuring the focus skill for the lesson. Choosing is nearly impossible – all of these look so good! I might try one today and a different recipe later on.
If I see anything pan fried that fits our Eating the Opponent plan, look out! I have a stainless steel pan and now I know how to use it.

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>The Twelve Days of Walker in Wisconsin

>2011 has been difficult year for me and for Wisconsin teachers in general. Thanks to our soon-to-be former governor, Scott Walker, we have lost salary, benefits, and bargaining rights. But our state has lost much more. A colleague found this online, and I thought it was worth sharing. Credit goes to the Solidarity Singers for spreading the word; I don’t know who wrote the lyrics.

On the first day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
An unarmed populace.
On the second day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
Stem cell research, and an unarmed populace.
On the third day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
Safe drinking water, Stem cell research, and an unarmed populace.
On the fourth day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
Fair union contracts, Safe drinking water, Stem cell research, and an unarmed populace.
On the fifth day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
HIGH SPEED RAIL!! Fair union contracts, Safe drinking water, Stem cell research, and an unarmed populace.
On the sixth day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
Good public education, HIGH SPEED RAIL!! Fair union contracts, Safe drinking water, Stem cell research, and an unarmed populace.
On the seventh day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
Russ Decker’s shining virtue, Good public education, HIGH SPEED RAIL!! Fair union contracts, Safe drinking water, Stem cell research, and an unarmed populace.
On the eighth day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
Health care for the poor, Decker’s shining virtue, Good public education, HIGH SPEED RAIL!! Fair union contracts, Safe drinking water, Stem cell research, and an unarmed populace.
On the ninth day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
A United DNR, Health care for the poor, Decker’s shining virtue, Good public education, HIGH SPEED RAIL!! Fair union contracts, Safe drinking water, Stem cell research, and an unarmed populace.

On the tenth day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
Lower than average unemployment, a United DNR, Health care for the poor, Decker’s shining virtue, Good public education, HIGH SPEED RAIL!! Fair union contracts, Safe drinking water, Stem cell research, and an unarmed populace.
On the eleventh day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
The shrinking middle class, Lower unemployment, a United DNR, Health care for the poor, Decker’s shining virtue, Good public education, HIGH SPEED RAIL!! Fair union contracts, Safe drinking water, Stem cell research, and an unarmed populace.

(Dramatic tempo change and a grand pause — )

On the twelfth day of his term, Scott Walker took from us:
Domestic partner benefits, the Shrinking middle class, Lower unemployment, a United DNR, Health care for the poor, Decker’s shining virtue, Good public education, HIGH SPEED RAIL!! Fair union contracts, Safe drinking water, Stem cell research, and an unarmed populace.
In response, we say to the Grinch a.k.a. Walker:
In the first twelve days of the recall we gathered over 500,000 signatures.

‘Nuff said.
Enjoy your family and the holiday season, readers. Remember, your vote counts. When the time comes, please go to the polls to preserve the best gift of all: a democracy.

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