>Why I Volunteer — a personal political statement


Top Ten Reasons I Volunteer
10. I’m one of many who are suffering under the actions of current state *cough* leadership.
9. The tea party war against women sets us back fifty years – or more. What’s next, repeal the 19th amendment? No, don’t answer that.
8. One coworker no longer admits to being a teacher. She’s tired of the blame game in the public realm that considers state employees to be a drain on the budget, rather than hardworking professionals.
7. Grass roots are strong; anyone who has tried to turn a patch of lawn into a vegetable garden knows that. Grass roots movements thrive on volunteer contributions.
6. Contributions don’t have to be financial to be worthwhile. My volunteer time makes a difference.
5. I vote, and my vote counts. I help others realize that their votes count, too.
4. I’m not willing to run for office, but I’m willing and able to work for others who will lead well.
3. The National Education Association (NEA) was once called a terrorist organization. Now my state association members are being called “thugs.” Name-calling used to be a playground problem; I’m doing what I can to get this childish behavior out of the state capitol.
2. Someone has to make a difference.
And number one, the top reason for volunteering, is borrowed from Dr. Seuss. In the words of the Once-ler, here it is:
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better; it’s not. —Dr. Seuss

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>Classic Wisconsin – Grandma’s German Potato Salad

>This recipe has a little extra personal meaning since last September. I have a new job, a great job, teaching online. Our offices are in an older building about 2/3 mile from my home, so I walk to work whenever I can. My walk route takes me past Grandma Frances’ childhood address. I like to think that the connection adds to the good vibes that come every time we make this recipe – and every time I walk to work.

Since she was Chuck’s grandmother, I’ll let him write the guest post. He’s not the only one who makes this dish, but I still think he makes it best. Based on this piece of history, maybe his talent is genetic!

Grandma Frances’ German Potato Salad

This recipe was handed down to us. I remember looking forward to eating this as a young child. We would arrive at Grandma’s house on 14th Street in Milwaukee and the kitchen would have this wonderful almost sweet and sour aroma. It can be served warm, which is how I like it best, or you can make it up in advance and serve it chilled. Enjoy!

3 pounds, about 6 medium, Red Salad Potatoes
1/2 cup sliced White Onion (A Sweet Yellow Onion may be substituted.)
2 Tablespoons Flour
3 Tablespoons Sugar
1 1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/2 teaspoon Celery Seed
1/8 teaspoon Pepper
3/4 cup water
1/3 cup Vinegar
6-8 Slices Bacon cut into 1 inch pieces (I prefer the Patrick Cudahy Thick Sliced, Double Smoked style in the black labeled box).

· Combine Flour, Sugar, Salt, Celery Seed and Pepper into a small bowl or Tupperware dish so they are thoroughly mixed.
· Peel and slice Potatoes into bite size, 1/4 inch thick pieces. Boil until they are cooked, yet still firm, drain.
· In an Electric skillet, cook the Bacon until crispy. Set bacon aside on a paper towel to soak up the grease. Drain all but about 2 tablespoons of the bacon grease out of the skillet.
· Sauté Onion in the hot skillet with the bacon grease for 2 minutes.
· Sprinkle in the dry ingredients mix. Stir in the Water and Vinegar. Stir constantly until it bubbles then let it reduce to a syrupy consistency.
· Reduce skillet’s heat to simmer, blend in Potatoes. Blend bacon into the mix. Let simmer and stir occasionally for 30 minutes.

I posted this recipe because it’s a great side dish as spring starts. It’s also my entry to the Favorite 50 States Recipes contest. I can’t wait to see what they choose. Maybe it will broaden my choices for our Eating the Opponent project next year.

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>Sing it with me: Saturday at the O.K. Chorale

>On the to-do list:

Remind Amigo to do his laundry. Why can’t the kid do it himself? He can. He needs the reminder to actually throw the clothes in the washer and deal with it.
Plant seeds and hope they’ll grow. Most of these seeds are a year old; I haven’t bought new ones yet. We’ll see if they’re any good. Still. Yet. If they grow, it’ll look like salsa again in the O.K. home; I planted lots of tomato and pepper plants.
Stir the compost. Shh: don’t tell Chuck I played in the compost. He’s convinced that anything resembling garden work will cue Mother Nature to send in a storm.
Make ice cream – hopefully with Amigo. It’s easy and fun and he’ll love the results.
Set aside a Care Package for La Petite. She’ll be back for appointments on Monday and Tuesday, so I’ll send her a bag of food to fill her pantry. I can’t help her find a second job, but I can feed her.
Draft a letter of support for a local candidate. If this is really the year of the progressive woman, she’s perfect.
Check out the latest news on the local private school that lost two thirds of their teachers due to conflicts over paychecks – namely, the lack of them.
Look for ways to streamline the family budget. Headlines today noted what we’d all expected, but dreaded: my colleagues and I in the local public school district will face another wage freeze along with a higher deductible in our health care coverage.
Keep cleaning the house and purging it of useless items. Sell or donate; make space for what’s important instead of storing junk. At the most, we may get a few bucks for some of the stuff. At the least, we’ll have less to clean.
In a related category, reorganize the canning supplies. At this time of year I have more empty jars than full. How to store them until I need them – that’s one dilemma. How to make more room next fall for the full jars – that’s another. It feels like every year I make a little bit more. Well, if my pay is frozen, at least I can still feed the family.
I guess all this means I should get offline and do something. Here goes!

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>Germphobia, Virtual School style

>I’ve used only 1 1/2 sick days this year: one for cataract surgery and one half for an appointment. That’s a new record for me. March? No influenza? No sinus infections or even colds or coughs? I used to get almost paranoid about germs. Illness for a classroom teacher can be overwhelming: sub plans, catching up, staying in touch, hoping that all goes well for the substitute.

A few neighboring districts have cut their teachers’ sick days to the bone. My district still maintains 10 days per year. One neighboring district even told their teachers they couldn’t schedule non-essential surgery during the school year, no matter how many sick days they’d accrued. I planned my cataract surgery so that I’d only miss one day; all worked out well.
In a classroom full of children, I kept my own pencils and pens and even scissors. There was a stock of extras for students to borrow; they never touched mine, and I never touched theirs. I kept hand sanitizer in my desk and rarely touched the germ-collecting doorknobs. Still, I got sick. Cough drops and Airborne had a drawer in my desk along with Tylenol and my own, yes my own never-to-be-shared box of soft, name brand tissues. Teachers attempt to stay hydrated, but within reason because we can only use the rest room when we’re not with students.
Teaching online is different. Earlier this year, I offered ten tongue-in-cheek reasons to enjoy teaching online. Now, in the final days of winter, I offer ten reasons that teaching virtual school has been good for my health.
  • I still have my own tissue box – with a Green Bay Packers dispenser.
  • No one borrows my pencils and pens. We all have our own.
  • We don’t get substitutes, eliminating the need to come in and spread germs while leaving sub plans.
  • No one else uses my computer or my phone.
  • I have my own phone, too.
  • My coworkers and I are meticulous about cleaning the lunch table before and after eating.
  • Hydration is easier; there’s a water cooler in our supply closet, and (drum roll) I can use the rest room when I need to without waiting for a recess bell!
  • I still take vitamin C and eat oranges with my lunch.
  • The box of Airborne in my desk is the kind that gets added to a bottle of water.

And finally, a major reason that teaching virtual school is good for my health:

  • I sincerely enjoy my job. I go to school eager to get started every day – even on Mondays.

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Writing is therapeutic. Email? Maybe.

Blogging is therapeutic. Email can be therapeutic as well – sometimes. Within reason. Occasionally. With very little editing, just enough to protect the innocent and not-so-much, here’s an example, courtesy of Chuck’s challenging day at work.

Me: Northern Wisconsin has 16 inches of snow. Madison and Milwaukee have sunshine.

Chuck: I’m being snowed under sorting out the incompetence from the non-functional.

Me: There must be a Dilbert-style quote or post in there somewhere.

Chuck: Department motto – Our perfection has to overcome their incompetence.

Me: I still like “Engineering: We put the fun in dysfunctional.”

Chuck: Now we’re applying soothing unction to the dysfunction.
Then we both got busy and went back to work.
On another topic: blogging has been therapeutic, too. A coworker asked how I keep up with everything. She was referring to the fact that I helped out in high school English for a few days, submitted a blog post and wrote a new profile for our national office’s PR department, while still somehow managing to do my own job and do it well, too. I stopped in my tracks. This is such a huge dramatic change. It’s a change back to normal, whatever that is.
One year ago, I was blogging my way through the worst depression of my life. This illness had me knocked out, incapable of working, and barely functioning. Thanks to many professionals and family and friends, I’m now back in the land of the working and the happy and the energetic. Wow, I thought, maybe this is what healthy feels like.
Then a dangerous thought crossed my mind. Would a collection of my posts be of interest to other people suffering the same way I did? Knowing I wasn’t alone was such a comforting feeling. Battling the depression demon was long and difficult, but possible. The long and winding road (uphill both ways, of course) can lead to health and success.
Well, readers, with a little revision to protect myself and others, could the Compostermom Chronicles become a journal of healing? Share your thoughts, readers, and I’ll start giving it some thought myself.

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>Glee predictions: where will they go from here?


Friends, music teachers, and swing choir graduates: Glee left us hanging. Big time. We could sense the big events coming, sense them enough to shout “No! Don’t go there!” at the television. The last episode before the break set up several plot twists that couldn’t be resolved. This one episode, all by itself, brought up so many social issues that it should be required viewing for anyone who works with teenagers. Cyber-bullying, teen suicide, religion and teen social lives, texting while driving, and then again, the show choir competition.
The next new episode will be here in the beginning of April. April! Through the entire month of March we’ll wonder how our favorite characters and the ones we love to hate will fare. Frankly, the writers and producers have set us up for just about anything. Here are my own predictions.

Rachel: Will she or won’t she marry Finn? Will Finn follow her to New York as she pursues a career in the arts? She’s talented, but is she talented enough? It’ll be interesting to see if her star power is power enough to light up her life.

Finn: He’s really at lose ends. No football scholarship, a bombshell destroying his image of his hero father, and no plans after high school. His only plan is to marry Rachel, and he hasn’t thought beyond the ceremony. This doesn’t bode well for their future. I wonder if he will stay behind in Lima, run the garage for his stepfather Burt while Burt is in Congress, and settle in for some serious introspection.
Quinn: a screech of brakes and squeal of tires as she texted a message to Rachel – I’ll leave it right there.
McKinley High School staff: When Principal Figgins claimed that it wasn’t their job to reach out to someone like David Karofsky, it wasn’t their job to prevent his near suicide, school counselor Emma said it best: “If it’s not our job, then whose job is it?” Someone had to be there for David, to listen and to really hear his pain. That “someone” could have been a teacher. I predict the McKinley High School staff to get much firmer in their zero tolerance for bullying. They’ll start a chapter of PFLAG and reach out to students like Kurt and David and Blaine. Weak-kneed Figgins might be nervous about the social implications and the public reaction, but those teachers who truly understand their students will stand firm.
Puck will graduate, but not yet. He’s bound to be credit deficient in some way, and that will give Glee another year of his singing and guitar-playing talent. If they need a fundraiser, he can bake his grandmother’s addicting brownies.
Never mind.
Mercedes and Santana will take on the leadership and solo roles. Writers and producers have been building them up for a while. We’ll have some good music next season, folks, even without Rachel Berry.
I hope the Warblers from Dalton Academy will continue to compete with McKinley’s New Directions. They provide complex characters, an interesting competitor, and above all, good music.
Coach Sue Sylvester will have her baby and find motherhood to be to her liking. This should be a fascinating character development.
Kurt: Finn’s stepbrother is in for the biggest challenges. He’s headed to a fine arts school, or so he hopes. He and Rachel will be classmates if all goes well. He’s out and has a gay boyfriend, another talented singer and actor. Not all young men feel as confident as Kurt, however. And Kurt, despite his flamboyant nature and outgoing personality, still feels the inner conflicts of any teen. He’s blamed himself for not returning David Karofsky’s phone calls, thinking if only he’d called, David might not have tied the rope around his neck. Kurt walked into a God Squad club meeting looking for moral support and instead ended up blowing up. He told Quinn that no matter what she’d gone through in high school, with a teen pregnancy and a time with the outlaw goth gang, she had no idea what he or Karofsky faced every day. Kurt was straightforward in his criticism of poor little rich girl Quinn. Then Quinn was texting while driving on a collision course for – well, we still don’t know. The show ended with a screech of brakes and no resolution.
Kurt is the most complex of the Glee characters. I predict that he will feel guilt for not preventing Karofsky’s suicide attempt and will again feel terrible that his last conversation with Quinn was a verbal slap in the face. After facing these internal conflicts, I predict that Kurt will abandon his quest for a performance career and instead enter a counseling program. He has the experience, the intelligence, and the compassion to make a difference.
Good music, entertaining plots, and a few valuable lessons besides – what else could we ask of a television series? I still have Glee set to record. I won’t miss a single episode.

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Your homework is late because….

Sorry, student. We might feel your pain, but the cat making your homework late is just another variation on an old theme.

In fact, your Social Studies teacher has a cat that helps grade essays and research projects. She pronounced this one “delicious.”

In my home, projects are at risk of being eaten, but not by a dog. Note to self; do not store student projects under the piano. In addition, feed bunny frequently.
Now if only we could train the animals to make coffee while we’re busy grading, progress reports would go so much faster!

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>Dear Scottie; it’s just not working.

>I didn’t write this. I wish I had; it’s brilliant. The original source is the Wisconsin Democratic Party leadership.

By the way, how do you break up with a guy on a tractor? I’ll tell you when we’re done breaking up with Scottie.
Dear Scott,

There’s no easy way to say this, so I’m just going to come right out and say it. This isn’t working. It’s time for us to see other people.

I wish I could say that it was me, not you, but we both know that isn’t true. It’s you. When we first got together, part of me really had reservations, but the other part was so hopeful about what we could become together. But then you did it – you know what you did.

When you dropped that bomb on me a year ago, it changed the way I thought of you. You never told me that’s what you were planning. We never talked about that. Ever. If you had told me the truth, I doubt we ever would have gotten together in the first place. It made me wonder if I could ever trust you again.
And when I told you how I was hurting, and how your betrayal rocked me to the core, what did you do? You kept lying. You said it was my fault. That what I wanted – a great education for my kids, affordable healthcare for the people I care about, and to see my friends and neighbors work family-sustaining jobs where they are treated with respect and dignity — was too much. An “entitlement.” Well maybe you just think I’m high-maintenance, but I don’t think those things are too much to ask for.

So… I think it’s best that we cut our losses and both move on. I don’t know exactly what my future holds, but I know I just don’t see you in it any more. You might be a disgrace in my eyes, but you’ll land on your feet. You have plenty of rich friends for whom you’ve done a TON of favors. Someone will take care of you.
And speaking of your friends, that’s another thing I just can’t handle. How could you think I’d be okay with inviting people who steal from the families of veterans, commit sex crimes against children, and criminally misuse public office into my home?

But really, all of this just brings me back to your terrible judgment and dishonesty. I need someone who listens to me, is honest with me and wants to see me be the best I can be. Someone who will cherish the values and institutions I hold so dear. Because you clearly aren’t that person.
Okay, readers. In the good Wisconsin farmland tradition, the punch line. How do you break up with a guy on a tractor? Send him a John Deere letter, of course.

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>On teaching, voting, and cooking supper

>Election Day wasn’t bad, all things considered. My ward has a lot of well-informed and politically active people, including our representative in the state assembly. We found the new poll location, pulled our photo IDs out to prove we are who we are, the poll workers blinked at my double name (older people: most young ones don’t even notice) because it didn’t match the poll listings exactly. It was close enough that they let me vote.

Yesterday I wondered why the meat was taking so long to cook. It looked done, but the meat thermometer kept giving me dangerously low numbers – at least it did until I realized what was wrong and turned the temperature readout back to Fahrenheit. Shhh. You’ve done that, too, haven’t you?
I must learn when to sit on my hands and keep quiet. We are short a teacher temporarily at school, a high school language arts teacher. I’m not a high school teacher, but I do know much of the literature at that level. I offered to help out. I haven’t regretted it yet… but remind me later that no one forced me to do this: I stuck my neck out and offered.
Back on the topic of Election Day, my fellow blogger and good friend Green Girl made it through her primary election for school board. Now comes the real work: the main election. Readers, head over to her blog to congratulate her; she deserves it! Instead of complaining about the local schools, she has taken action to make the situation better.
Making the situation better: that’s what running for office is all about. Go Green Girl!

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Making the freshman book list

The books on this table are in consideration for the ninth grade curriculum in my local public schools. The books are on display to call for community input. The administrator in charge told me they’re looking for “…balanced input” – meaning input from many, not just the loud and organized book-bashing groups.

Oops. My bias is showing.
I took a copy of the list and checked off those I’d read. Then I made some general observations. I logged on to Paperbackswap and requested a few titles that intrigued me, including those that had attracted objections in the past.
George Orwell’s Animal Farm was a good book for its time, but not really suitable for today’s ninth graders. Most high school freshmen don’t have a background in the rise of the Soviet Union. This cleverly written allegory would be more effective if students read it after or concurrently with their world history classes.
The Body of Christopher Creed by Carol Plum-Ucci I haven’t read this yet. I ordered it. Parents have asked that it be removed from the curriculum, and I must see why. If the book is that powerful, it’s probably fascinating.
J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye – A Trivia contest once asked for the name of Holden Caulfield’s younger sister. I remember that she had an influence on Holden, that he felt protective toward her, but I couldn’t remember her name (Phoebe). Very introspective, this book fits the curricular theme of “…the concept of the individual as well as interpersonal relationships.”
Fahrenheit 451 – Scary. Ray Bradbury’s genius shows in this book, one that the book burning folk need to read. Really.
The Latehomecomer: a Hmong Family Memoir – I have this on on my shelves and I haven’t read it yet. Local buzz suggests it’s an excellent book. Author Kao Kalia Yang spoke to local teachers a few years ago. She inspired me to read her work and to keep writing my own.
The Odyssey – Balancing contemporary books with classics is a challenge. Many Odyssey references, including the term “Odyssey” itself, have become part of today’s language. The other night I heard someone on TV saying, “Even Scylla and Carybdis couldn’t tear us apart.” And how about those Sirens? I hope the decision makers keep The Odyssey in their collection.
Romeo and Juliet – It’s not Shakespeare’s best work, but it’s very accessible to young adults. It’s a good introduction to the world of Shakespeare, the language of the times, and a story that’s been produced and reproduced in many incarnations.
Speak – Controversial because its main character was raped, this Laurie Halse Anderson book stimulates discussion and attracts criticism. It’s a strong story showing the devastation of sexual assault and its aftermath, including the bullying that can go with reporting the incident. Readers will recognize the high school cliques and the stereotyped teachers in bits of humor that balance the seriousness.
Step from Heaven – A library media specialist recommended this to me several years ago. It’s a powerful story of the immigrant experience in a family that struggles to earn their way toward the American Dream. The author uses an effective technique by writing in beginning English as the family moves, improving the language and grammar as the characters themselves learn, grow, and assimilate.
I noticed a few generalizations as I looked up the titles under consideration. The suggestions cover several perspectives of WWII: the nonfiction Hitler Youth by Susan Campbell Bartoletti, Slavomir Rawicz’ The Long Walk: A True Story of a Trek to Freedom, The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak, and Elie Wiesel’s Night expose readers to multiple perspectives on a single historical time period.
There is an attempt to promote diverse voices through memoirs and realistic fiction. A Long Way Gone: Memoir of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah chronicles a world our American teens can only imagine – if they’re aware of it at all. Adeline Yen Mah’s Falling Leaves shares another world as well: the Chinese culture where women are not valued and can suffer abuse for just being female. Works by Native American Sherman Alexie, Hispanic author Sandra Cisneros, and Hmong writer Kao Kalia Yang provide many varied viewpoints for students to explore.
And isn’t that what we want as teachers, parents, and role models? For our children to explore, thoughtfully consider various perspectives, and develop informed opinions? Censorship in any form interferes with the evolution of open-minded readers.
Maybe that’s why the closed-minded book critics continue to fight.

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