The original Executive Order on immigration was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Or was it the hole in the dike? I have no idea how the protests started. I only know that citizens knew it was wrong. Americans knew they had to take steps to take care of those who fell victim to the timing of this awful, unconstitutional action.
Folks, it’s like the sixties, but with the addition of social media. When word gets out, it goes out far and it gets out fast. As I watched news from airports all over the country, I was struck by the signs. The homemade signs, quickly conceived and quickly made. They didn’t look uniform and artistic like the signs (and hats) of the Women’s March a week earlier, but they looked fantastic.
No hate; no fear; Immigrants are welcome here. No ban; No wall.
And it gets better.
Mr. Trump, you’re making Voldemort look compassionate!
Immigrants make America great!
Deport Trump!
Grandchild of an Immigrant (but she was white and Catholic, so that’s cool, right?)
Fear ignorance, not Muslims.
My grandfather is from Syria.
And a favorite, seen at several airports:
Give me your tired, your poor; your huddled masses yearning to breathe free; the retched refuse of your teeming shores;
Send these, the homeless, tempest, tossed to thee;
I lift my lamp upon the golden door!
Get used to it, Mr. President. You’re doing dumb things. People will resist. This isn’t the first time, and it won’t be the last time the American people will speak out. Face it; the right of the people to peaceably assemble is still there, in the first amendment, and no executive order will knock it down.