Ridding the World of Injustice

The quote came from an unusual source. Let’s see if you recognize it.

“Fern was up at daybreak trying to rid the world of injustice.”

That’s right, my reader friends, it was in Charlotte’s Web. I was teaching a reading lesson to a small group, and that line just stood out. Injustice was a suggested vocabulary word, so we sought out the sentences containing the word, discussed the context, and made meaning.

“…to rid the world of injustice” – what a great phrase. Save the world before breakfast! Never fear, runts of the litters! Ferns of the world will intervene!

E.B. White isn’t the only author to abhor injustice. Remember Dr. Seuss?

“I meant what I said, and I said what I meant. An elephant’s faithful, 100 percent.” -Horton Hatches the Egg

I think I’ll make that my new catch phrase, my new slogan. Maybe I’m just a blogger, but if I get up early enough, I can do my part to rid the world of injustice.

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Signs of a Good Vacation



We were close enough to the U.P. that a sign in Yooper language made sense. But what is the last word supposed to be? I can translate Mmm, dat coffee! but THO? I’m lost.

Starbucks in the lobby and in the breakfast cafe: what do you think was in the hotel room coffee makers? Close, and if you’re a coffee aficionado, you might know that it’s from the same company.

Seattle's Best, in regular and decaf

Seattle’s Best, in regular and decaf

I made some in the room on the second day — the day we all slept late and actually missed breakfast hours! We’d had a fun and full day, and we really, really needed the extra sleep.

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Classic Mug Shot

When we travel, my favorite souvenir is a coffee mug. I drink from my Amtrak mug and remember the trip on the Empire Builder. I sip from my lobster mug and remember Nova Scotia. Whenever I finish a major project, I like to pull out my “ducks in a row” mug to show that I do, indeed, have all my ducks in a row.
Here’s another mug, a historic mug, that I must have.
Remember when President Obama said, “I can’t go around with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead!”? When he released the long version because his short version wasn’t good enough for the conspiracy theorists, he told reporters that he didn’t have time for this “silliness”. He had more important things to do. A few days later, he announced that Osama bin Laden had been found and killed. Ahem.
To thumb my nose at those who still don’t understand that Hawaii is one of the United States, the Democrats have come up with the perfect mug.
We’re headed toward the midterm set of elections, and I still use this mug. I noticed a few around the campaign office in 2012, and I’m absolutely sure other progressive voters are still using theirs. It reminds me to assume nothing when it comes to other people’s knowledge – or lack thereof.
Disclaimer: I am active in progressive politics, including Organizing for America, but I was not paid or sponsored in any way for this post. This mug was too good to pass up.

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Life is —

This mug has been with us since the mid 1980s. I bought it for Chuck because he likes to turn a phrase upside down. I think I use it more often, though. I’m the coffee drinker. He is an occasional tea or hot cocoa drinker, so he’ll pull this one out of the cupboard now and then. Readers, do you have a favorite mug? I’m sharing mine. I’d love to hear about yours.




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Every mug, new or ancient

Subtitle: To Have and to Hold

Here’s a classic. These are souvenirs from our trip to celebrate our 25th anniversary. Thermos from Starbucks (the first! In Seattle! At Pike Place Market!), mug from the Amtrak train that took us there. Oops, that sounded wrong; it sounds like I absconded with a mug when we reached our destination. Nope! Not at all: we bought it in the dining hall at our last breakfast on the train.


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Every mug has a back story.

Coffee, tea, hot cocoa – no matter what your hot beverage of choice, the mug it’s in is very likely to carry a story. This came up in a thread on Facebook, and I realized I had a number of posts featuring my coffee mug collection. Most of the posts are from my first or second year of blogging. Let’s start with yesterday’s mug, Where’s Waldo, and today’s mug of choice, Ducks in a row.

Where’s Waldo? Well, if you can’t find him now, just fill the mug with hot liquid (preferably Folgers) and all of the faux Waldos’ shirts will fade away. This mug has been in my collection for a long time — at least 13 years (Daisy’s update: at least 20 years, now). I ordered it free with a few labels from cans of Spaghetti-os and a miniscule shipping and handling fee. It has served up tea, hot cocoa, and of course, coffee. I’ve had a lot of fun with this mug over the years, including watching people stare at it in the teachers’ lounge. It was worth the shipping and the stamp. And now, Ducks in a Row. Continue reading

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