Cleaning the Broiler

Oh, Interweb peoples, I have a problem. Maybe you can help.

We have a gas stove and oven. We much prefer this over an electric. A few weeks ago, we had to replace the igniter, the modern equivalent of a pilot light. We made the investment, and the oven runs well again.

But the broiler. That darn broiler. A long time ago, at least a year ago, we cooked something juicy under the broiler and it splattered. Since then, we remove the smoke alarm from its wall and open a few windows and run the fan every time we use the broiler to cook. My oven has a self-cleaning setting, and I usually use it in late spring or summer when I can stay nearby in case…. well, just in case.

So, folks, how do I clean this broiler? Since it got splattered, we’ve been conscious of where we put the rack so it’s not too close. We run the kitchen fan. But still, still, still we end up with a smoky house.

Ideas? I’ll take any and all under consideration.

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