Talented Rabbits

I’m balancing restlessness with rest. I’m a bit wired, and it’s not from too much coffee. In fact, I fell asleep halfway through my first cup on Tuesday morning. I’m feeling energized, but if I overdo physically, I do hurt. Therefore, I state the obvious: I still take a lot of time to stay still on the couch and rest.

Buttercup, however, must have decided I’m no longer in need of her Service Rabbit attention. She shadowed me for my first week home. Now she’s keeping a more rabbit-like routine, finding sunspots midday, stretching out and napping, and sitting at my feet when she’s hungry.

Since Butters isn’t entertaining me, I look to the Interwebs. I think I need these two for school. My students would enjoy these if I stick the images into a virtual lesson at a surprising and attention-getting stage.


This one is a virtual school bunny, no doubt.

This one is a virtual school bunny, no doubt.

The final bunny isn’t studying; she’s avoiding her homework by masquerading as a slipper.

Sadie, La Petite's bunny, "hiding"

Sadie, La Petite’s bunny, “hiding”

Thanks to La Petite for Sadie’s pose. Thanks to the Daily Bunny for the others. Thanks to all my doctors, who keep me on the right track for healing.

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