Has the calendar regressed? This state senator has.

Chuck and I helped the local arts community by writing a column for the newspaper about Amigo and the barbershop chorus in which he sings. He enjoys rehearsals, thrives on the music, and gets totally psyched up for the performances. We were happy to support them with our column.

The piece apparently got picked up in a Madison newspaper. How do we know? Well, Chuck got a card from the guy who represents our district in the State Senate. We’ll call him Senator Throwback. The card enclosed a copy of our column, and carried a message that said “Saw this in the paper and thought you might like a copy.”

Nice, right? Maybe thoughtful? Politically expedient, too, eh? Almost. It’s likely that one of Senator Throwback’s staff pointed out the article and took the time to find our address, and on and on. We know that. But anyway, how did something that insignificant make the blog?

We co-wrote the article. Both of our names and both of our pictures accompanied the piece. We wrote it together. Senator Throwback addressed the article to Chuck and only Chuck. In his eyes, evidently I don’t exist.

Make no mistake, folks: this omission counts. By leaving one author, the female author, off the note, Senator Throwback made it clear that I do not exist for him. That’s too bad for him, though, because he’s forgotten one very important point: my vote counts exactly the same as Chuck’s does. And Senator Throwback isn’t likely to get mine next election.

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Chicago dumps Trump

It was an ordinary Friday night, for the most part. I was visiting La Petite, and we were settling down on her couch to relax and chat and check on the rest of the family via Facebook.

It’ll be no surprise to readers that many of my relatives are rather progressive in their politics. We knew that the candidate I like to call He Who Shall Not Be Named (in lieu of giving him any more blog space) was in Chicago for a rally, and many a protest was planned. Upon further review, we found that we had a family member at a rally outside the arena where You-Know-Who was scheduled to speak. Here’s her viewpoint.

Anti Trump Rally

So proud to have been there to turn the Trump Tide. UIC students meant what they said and put feet to their thoughts. Whatever happened inside the pavilion, I don’t know, but the outside activity was 100% peaceful with appropriate Chicago police presence. This is what democracy and freedom of speech looks like. – from one who was there, 3-12-2016

The result: the speech was cancelled. You-Know-Who was advised not to appear for fear of inciting violence. He acquiesced. Meanwhile, those outside cheered at the news. Again, people, from one who was there: 100% peaceful, with appropriate Chicago police presence. Peacefully, they managed to shut the guy down.

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The Race is Still On. (Encore from 2008)

This is from 2008. In 2016, I hope (and hope and hope and hope) that Secretary/Senator Clinton keeps her lead. Here’s where she stood eight years ago.

Why Hillary should stay in the race even though she is in second place

1. If she drops out now, she’ll look like a quitter. Despite her courage and energy in mounting the campaign, despite her success in raising campaign funds, despite being seen as a favored candidate — the media will call her a loser. A quitter. They’ll be wrong, but they’ll say it.

2. If she drops out before the convention, the press will play on the perception of the “gracious woman, giving way to the man.” Bleh. Gag. Aren’t we over that 50s era sexism?!

3. In the celebration of the first viable African-American candidate, the public will forget that the first viable female candidate also made history.

4. Staying in until the end shows her strength, her tenacity, her energy. In politics, this can only be good.

5. Staying in the race until the convention means the record will show her success in delegate numbers rather than her presence as a dropout. Numbers talk, sing, and dance.

6. And it’s not over until the Viking lady sings, either.

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Teachers and Politics – encore from Election 2008

From eight years ago – yes, eight. I suspect there may be more posts like this one over the next few months as the campaign gets (even more) heated.

You might be a teacher if – you find yourself correcting grammar, even in direct quotes.
“That work cannot be done if we do not have a Democratic president in the White House!”
-Sen. Hillary Clinton, quoted on Huffington Post.

This is a double negative. The statement would be much stronger in a positive sense. How about:
“That work can only be done if we have a Democratic president in the White House!”
Now the statement still has a passive voice in it: “…can only be done…” which will be stronger in active form. Consider: “With a Democratic president in the White House, we will meet these goals!” -or- “We will only accomplish that work with a Democratic president in the White House!” -or- “A Democratic president will accomplish these goals!”

Senator Clinton, you’re one of the strongest women I know.  Please work with your writers and keep your statements strong and clear, to make sure the media picks up the best and most important statements made by you. I mean, the best and most important statements that you make!

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How to Confuse the Poll Workers

The story you are about to read is true. The names have been changed to protect – aw, heck, the names have been changed. That’s all.

Actual email from Chuck on the morning of a small election (primary for State Supreme Court Justice): 

And! I did vote.
I was number 15.
Funny thing, Chuck Jones and wife were right in front of me. I’ll pick up after Mrs. Jones voted.
 Little Old Election Lady: Please take your ID out and hand it to me so I can read it.  Then say your name loud enough so I can hear it. And what’s your address?
 Chuck Jones: Charles Jones. 521 West Pickle Street.
 LOEL: Nope. That’s not what it says here.
 Chuck J: What? Let me see.  (She shows him his ID and points.) Ummm, that’s my middle name. Charles Richard Jones.  The last name is just above, see?
 LOEL: Oh, OK. Here, you’re number 14.
 Chuck Koala  (Anticipating, I’ve already got my card out.) Charles Koala, 522  West Pickle Street. (a little emphasis on the 2)
 LOEL: Charles? What? Same address? (A little back and forth, then) OK. You’re number 15.
 Next Person: Charles… (I didn’t catch his last name) … on Pickle Street. (It was a neighbor I don’t know well from down around South Street. I was gone by then.  Poor Little Old Lady.)
And so it goes – like sands through the hourglass, these are the stories of Pickle Street (all of two blocks long) goes to the polls.
Readers, did you have any adventures or stories to tell from the first election requiring IDs?

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SCOTUS – the conflict begins.

Amigo, my favorite news junkie, announced the news: Supreme Court Antonin Scalia found dead at age 79, most likely of natural causes.

My first reaction: wow.

My second reaction: I hope President Obama makes a nomination quickly, because today’s Congress and Senate will fight him tooth and nail. The approval process may linger until Obama’s successor is elected and inaugurated.

Social Media and traditional outlets were going wild with both the news and the reactions. Here’s a taste.

“I am stunned by the loss of Justice Scalia…And while I frequently disagreed with Justice Scalia’s views, our country will remember him as one of the most powerful and consequential voices of his generation.” – Russ Feingold, candidate for Senate in Wisconsin

Control of the nation’s top court now hangs in the balance. –Huffington Post

Next, unfortunately, came several headlines and links exclaiming “GOP vows to block any Obama nominee!”

Make no mistake, people. President Obama is the type of person who probably put a plan in place early in his tenure in case the opportunity arose to nominate a new justice. This is the type of appointment that can have an impact long after he leaves office. A good-for-life appointment to the Supreme Court has the potential to last years beyond any legislation passed in the past 7 years – including the Affordable Care Act.

Unfortunately, President Obama’s opponents likely had a plan in place, too. Their plan is consistent in its predictability: opposition. If Obama says green, they say red. If he points up, they point down. If the President leans left, they pull to the right and pull hard.

This philosophy of obstruction reminds me of students with an ODD diagnosis – Oppositional Defiant Disorder. A young person with ODD is much like today’s ultra-conservatives. Rather than setting up their own possibilities for success, they prepare to block anything set up by another. Teaching kids with ODD is difficult because the students are all too predictable; if the teacher says out, they will say in. If the work is to be done in pen, they’ll do it in pencil, just because they can.If the teacher says “Sit down” the students might stand up, kick a chair over, or even take off running through the halls – anything but cooperate.

One philosophy we teachers learn is that it’s not important to have the last word; it’s more important to have the lasting word. Rather than push a child to the point of total refusal, we state the necessary behavior and then back off, monitoring the child while not going head to head. This gives the student the chance to save face while still complying with the teacher’s request.

In this script, President Obama is the teacher. Certain individuals (fill in the blank here, folks, you know you can) play the parts of ODD students in the drama. No matter what (or whom) he suggests, they will squeal loudly in opposition just because they can. Meanwhile, the President will work quietly and calmly behind the scenes, building rapport and gathering the votes necessary to approve the nominee. When all is said and done and the new justice is seated on the Supreme Court, President Obama will have had the lasting word – a nominee to last a lifetime.


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Speak up?

Remember when I said this?

Hillary has all the traits I value in a leader. She’s intelligent, strong, experienced, knowledgeable, and the list could go on and on. Hillary Clinton would be an excellent president of the United States.

The trouble is this: Hillary may not be the best candidate.

She has baggage. Lots of baggage. Benghazi. Email-gate. Her age and gender (damn, I wish those didn’t matter). Her outspokenness.

It seems the outspokenness, her willingness to speak up loud and clear, is hitting Hillary hard right now. It’s not just a speaking thing, either. It’s most definitely related to gender.

Hillary spoke at a rally in New Hampshire a few days ago. One attendee reflected on the experience by saying “She was AMAZING! The crowd loved her. There were no problems with her “style.” She was fired up–like male candidates whose tone we do not police.”

And therein lies the conflict. Men who speak up with enthusiasm and speak loudly enough to be heard over a crowd don’t gather critics and pundits analyzing their tone, pitch, or volume. But Hillary Clinton, one of the strongest women I can name, takes flak for “shouting” and sounding “shrill”.

Frankly, people, I know many women who can speak loudly and clearly and bring a noisy and excited crowd to attention within seconds. These women are teachers. They know how to make their voices carry without shouting, how to make eye contact with as many as 30 people very quickly, and then how to make the crowd or classroom stay on the edge of their seats waiting for more.

Hillary would fit in very well in the world of teaching. As I’ve said, she is intelligent, strong, experienced, knowledgeable, and more. And now, I’m adding “outspoken” to the list of positives. She knows what she’s talking about, and she knows how to say it. That’s not complicated; it’s a skill.

Teaching is not for the weak



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Faith in human nature – or not?

I was working on postcards at the Democrats’ office during the 2012 campaign when a woman came in from a Republican event. She was very upset – not by the opposing party, but by one of our own. A volunteer with our party had gone to the event for the opposition. Instead of simply listening and gathering information, she acted out. She spit on a Romney supporter, who then scratched her in retaliation. The woman who had been there kept repeating, “Is this what we’ve come to? Is this really what we’ve come to?” Her faith in human nature was on the downswing at that moment.

Within a day, the “spitter” was kicked off the campaign staff, and the coordinator had made it clear that this was not behavior that would be tolerated. All of us were to keep to the high road. My faith in human nature was restored.

This happened four years ago. Today’s headlines are so full of ups and downs that my confidence jumps like a jackrabbit.

Flint, Michigan sickens its population with lead in their public water system: down. State officials and high-level locals are outed as having known about the problem and both ignored it and lied about it while they themselves drank bottled water. Down, down, down.

Plumbers travel to Flint to install water filters in people’s homes – free of charge. Up.

My alderman posts an update for her constituents informing us of the process our city uses for water treatment. She gives enough detail that we can feel safe drinking the water. Up.

I find out that Good Ole’ Boy Next Door Peyton Manning not only acts in Papa John’s commercials, he supports the same far-right wing candidates with his own donations. Manning also owns a Papa John’s franchise where the pizza is overpriced and the staff is underpaid. This is a downer – a big downer. I might just have to cheer for Cam Newton and his Panthers.

A new potential pandemic virus rears its ugly head in Brazil, the host country for upcoming 2016  Summer Olympic Games. Why should this Zika virus be a downturn for my faith in human nature? This virus is passed on by mosquitoes, and current strategies include spraying many gallons of pesticides throughout the cities where the presence of the virus has been confirmed. Problem? Think DDT, people. Does anyone know the effects of these pesticides? We thought DDT was safe, too…until…just ask the neighborhood bald eagle.

Our wacky governor signs into law a bill allowing concealed carry of – switchblades. Yep, switchblades. This only a matter of days after he signed a law authorizing a new color for hunting; blaze pink. What the –?

And so it goes – good news, bad news, better news, worse news, and news that makes me think the world is spiraling down the toilet. Maybe, just maybe, I should get offline and get something else done. Maybe I’ll clean the bathroom.

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Meanwhile, back at the Caucuses

It was Monday night. Not dark and stormy, although there was a snowstorm waiting in the wings. Here in Wisconsin, we watched one school district after another declare their schools closed in advance.

Meanwhile, in our neighboring state of Iowa, the presidential primary season has officially begun. It’s the night of the famed Iowa Caucuses. There, in the heart of the Midwest, real results – not estimates or polls! – will emerge.

So while I’m relaxing in front of a series of Tiny House Nation episodes, I’m also prepping for the incoming storm. My laptop is plugged in and charging. My fitbit (with its vibrating alarm) is plugged into the laptop and charging. My phone will go on its turbo charger later. The storm promises to move in midday tomorrow, so I’m not too worried about overnight power outages.

Meanwhile, back in Iowa, a correspondent for The Broad Side has been posting updates and pictures. I watch the numbers change in her posts. Hillary – 54; Bernie – 29; O’Malley – 3; Undecided – 5. They caucus some more. Hillary – 57; Bernie – 34. Based on those numbers, the location I’m following assigns Hillary 8 delegates for the Democratic Convention and Bernie 5 delegates. 

A friend posts on Facebook “Schools are closed tomorrow!” We know it’s official when we see it on at least three news channel crawls and on the district’s official web site. Conversations on social media range from “6 inches? We’re shutting down for 6 inches?” to “Thank goodness, the administration is erring on the side of safety and caution.”

Meanwhile, back in Iowa, someone posts a picture of this.

This would go well with my Obama mug, wouldn't it?

This would go well with my Obama mug, wouldn’t it?

As for schools closing, the major factor isn’t always how much snow falls. It’s more about when the snow falls and whether the plows can clear the parking lots, sidewalks, and nearby streets. An overnight snow can mean a two hour delay while the maintenance crews plow and shovel and blow snow. If a storm drops 5-6 inches starting at 3 AM, it’s not so easy. Tuesday’s storm may drop 6-12 inches, all starting around noon. Folks, in reality, starting a normal school day and then having to send kids home early is a nightmare. Chaos. Confusion. 6 inches in itself may not seem like a catastrophic snowfall, but the timing is everything.

Meanwhile, back at the caucuses – no clear results yet. Since I don’t have school tomorrow, maybe I’ll stay up late and watch the news shows. Or maybe, since I don’t have school tomorrow, I’ll spend my day watching the pundits announce and interpret the results.

And meanwhile, I’ll watch the snow fall from the safety of my home.

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Using the Celebrity Spokesperson

Hey, Peyton. Yes, you. Mr. Manning. Archie’s son, Eli’s brother. Mr. Good-guy boy-next-door. They’re using you. You recognized that, didn’t you? Or didn’t you?

Take “Papa” John Schnatter. He got himself in hot water by badmouthing the Affordable Care Act in such a way that he ended up looking petty. He said that in order to pay for heath coverage for his employees, he’d have to raise the price of each pizza by a quarter. Twenty-five cents. $.25. Oh, pity party. He feared it would cut down his sales.

Instead, people heard about his reluctance to allow health care for his employees and – get this – customers stopped buying Papa John’s pizza! He was watching his profits go downhill, and “Papa” had to do something.

That’s when he called you, Peyton. He needed a sportsperson who had that innocent, never-do-wrong look about him. I’m sure he pays you a lot more than the projected cost of health insurance for his employees. But what the heck? He needed to upgrade his image, and fast. Peyton, he’s using you. He wants your image to rub off on him.

And that Cable vs. Direct TV commercial. How could you think it was humorous to put down the barbershop singers? Talented, cooperative, fun people like barbershop singers are awesome. Frankly, your boy-next-door image could benefit from singing barbershop. Maybe the media would forget about the steroids shipped to your wife if you let the barbershop quartet image rub off on you. Reading the Direct TV script didn’t help their marketing plan, and the negative attitude may have cost your Q score (likability measurement) instead.

Peyton, call your agent. Let him or her know that while the money might be good, you care about your image. You’re  too close to retirement to mess with your image. Someday, you won’t throw passes, and the commercial income based on your reputation may be all you have.

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