>It’s a marathon, not a sprint. It’s a long term commitment, this recovery from depression, because depression isn’t like the common cold or even influenza. It’s not like a sprain or a break that can be splinted and healed over time. Recovery from is slow but steady (remember the tortoise vs. the hare?) and may consist of two steps forward, one step back.
Tag Archives: depression
>If the doc fits
She was 30 minutes late. I know psych offices have to be flexible in case of emergencies. I understand that. But no one mentioned she was running late, no one said a word about my 1:00 appointment being pushed back to 1:30. When I finally got in, there was no apology for her tardiness. In fact, she didn’t say a word.
- The unacknowledged 30 minute delay
- Presumption of vitamin needs based on too little information
- Lack of empathy, minimizing my illness to the level of a poster on the wall
- Unrealistic expectations: attempting to put me, in the depths of clinical depression, in someone else’s shoes.
>Staying cool, staying calm, and fighting the good fight
>But not getting down – that’s the trick.
>Reading the walls

>Depression hurts and confuses.
>What does healthy feel like?
>Chuck and I went out for dinner last weekend. I mentioned that it had been two weeks since my last appointment and a change in medications. I thought there was some progress. He asked “How can you tell? How will you know when you’re better? What are the signs?” And then we realized together that I hadn’t been healthy in months. I might not know what healthy feels like.
>Drama. Too much Sunday drama.
>Let’s work backwards.
>Sleep, still elusive; my foggy brain
>Dream On: Out of the fog
>Dreams: what do they mean?
>Chuck thought my dream had a simple interpretation: I’ve been typing too much. I went to bed with a sore thumb.
- Why was I completely unable to answer the doctor? I’m a verbal-linguistic person; words are my strength. I’m rarely intimidated by medical people. Was my silence significant?
- The repeat visit to the ER – likely a flashback to the last one, when I opted not to be admitted to the hospital overnight and went to school to leave sub plans instead. Bad choice; I’ll never do that again. At least in my dream I followed the doctor’s instructions, no matter how painful.
- Then again, there’s that sore thumb. I’m relearning how to handle a keyboard and mouse in less painful ways, and I’m learning to limit the time I spend on the computer and prioritize that time more effectively.