>Signs of Recovery

>It might be a good sign that:

  • I’m looked on at work as “the one with a sense of humor.”
  • Being busy feels good.
  • Walking to work is enjoyable, and I miss it when I have to drive.
  • I’m smiling more often – and I notice.
  • I find myself providing moral support for others – but not neglecting my own needs.
“Signs of what?” you might ask. Well, readers, if you’re new to Compost Happens, you might not know that one year ago I was falling into the worst and deepest depression of my life. Looking back is both encouraging and frightening.
I’m frightened by the possibility that this may happen again. It’s not the first depression of my life, but it was by far the worst. I don’t want to experience this level of suffering ever, ever again.
I’m grateful for the good medical care available, even though I’m disappointed in the less-than-optimum treatment options. I feel lucky to have friends and family who gathered and rallied around me, refusing to let me slide any more deeply into the pit of despair. They set up a figurative rope ladder, tied me to it, and held fast.
I’m encouraged by my recovery. In this marathon, I feel like I’ve set up a good pace and I’m keeping to it. Setbacks still happen, but they’re minor in comparison. I’m encouraged by the list above. As the list of Good Signs of Recovery gets longer and longer, I’ll share with you, readers. Those who have suffered similar illness know there is a light at the end of this tunnel. Depression is treatable, and people do recover. I’m living that recovery right now.

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