>’Twas the day before Thanksgiving

>’Twas the eve of Thanksgiving, and all through the kitchen
All the creatures were stirring and cooking and mixin’.
The tables were moved and were set up with care
All set for the banquet that soon would be there.

And teens in their sweats and their slippers were wrapping
A few early gifts while their mother was napping.
Her birthday was looming, and more to remember,
The Dad’s and the daughter’s were early December.

The cooler was full, to make room in the fridge
For the delicacies that would soon rest within.
The turkey was huge, with a big bag of stuffin’
Just waiting for cranberries, jello, and muffins.

We’d no Iron chef, and no jolly old elf,
So all shared the workload, not one by herself.
What’s left? Cook the turkey, the stuffing, the rest
Then share our Thanksgiving with family, our guests.

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One thought on “>’Twas the day before Thanksgiving

  1. >We totally didn’t eat muffins, unless I missed that entre….alright, I guess you have poetic license.

    P.S. Blogger thinks I have an account or something…..how does it know me?! I’m scared?!

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