>I should be correcting the chapter 1 tests and analyzing the chapter 2 pretests and planning my next Social Studies unit.
Instead, I…
- fed rabbit and refilled her pellet container
- sorted laundry
- washed four loads of laundry
- hung one load to dry
- put another load in the dryer
- started a loaf of bread in the breadmaker
- unloaded the dishwasher and put the clean dishes away
- reloaded the dishwasher with dirty dishes
- brought the kitchen waste (including coffee grounds and filter) to the compost
- turned the compost (mmm, the compost is such a luscious deep brown…)
- served lunch to myself and Amigo
- made beds
- got the winter outerwear from storage
- put the winter gloves, hats, and mittens on the deck to air out (to get rid of the basement storage odor)
And still on my list:
- bake cookies
- clean rabbit litter box
- finish laundry (dry, fold, put away)
- give Amigo a ride to the homecoming dance
- do the grocery shopping
- pick up Amigo from the homecoming dance
- make supper (probably grilled cheese on homemade bread, see above)
Maybe today is housework day, and tomorrow will be schoolwork. That’s not true procrastination and avoidance, is it?
>Nope! In my world, I call that rearranging the to-do list.
That is awesome that you got so much done so far today. Everything I got done today(cleaning) has now managed to become undone. Ah, such is life with little ones.
Happy schoolwork correcting tomorrow!
>Send me the test, I will correct them for you
I used to correct papers for my 10 year olds teacher last year. I enjoy it!
>Man, do I ever relate to this post! This is the story of my life — stuff that must get done that I don’t want to do (such as preparing for a presentation) gets pushed to the bottom of the list. I like to think that I do this because I work best under pressure and getting all the little stuff done means I have nothing to focus on but the task at hand
>I do not consider it procrastination, rather a realignment of priorites. Family first, work second….well 22nd… you get the idea!