Solidarity in Song

gathering together downtown

Did I really skip posting today? I was busy. Garden, laundry, the search for tomato supports, trouble with wifi – you name it, it stopped me from posting earlier. Today, however, I wasn’t politically active. Okay, not much. Yesterday – now yesterday I joined a crowd downtown.

gathering around the performers

It was a good crowd – busy, not overcrowded. In the vest on the right is Steve Kagen, former congressman. Unseen behind the others stands a school board member. Many participated. In what, you ask?

Solidarity Singers

We sang. They sang. They played guitar, shared their songbooks, shared their creativity, and shared their voices. Based in Madison, the Rotunda Solidarity Singers made a city to city trip that took them to Green Bay and Appleton. The Beer Barrel Polka became Roll Out the Recall. “Solidarity Forever” and “Union Maid” stayed the same. “This Land is Your Land” incorporated Wisconsin locations in the refrain. I still have the songbook, family. I’ll share. 


Guitars, a banjo, a fiddle (it was played folk style, so it was more fiddle than violin), and a concertina accompanied the singers. Ah, yes, the squeeze box. It seems appropriate. The Governor ran for office on a “brown bag” platform of austerity and squeezing the most out of every dollar. Apparently he didn’t mean austerity for all, though. Instead of a brown bag, he’s been the Silver Platter guy, serving up speeches for wealthy donors out of state.

Sing it with me, to the tune of “Oh, Susannah.”

“Oh, Scott Walker, now don’t you mess with me.

I come from all Wisconsin, with a sign for you to see.”



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