You might be a teacher…

Even a virtual teacher knows when the weather changes, so does behavior.

Even a teacher of online classes knows that storms stimulate craziness.

And on this crazy Friday, not a 13th of anything, not adjoining a vacation or even close to a full moon, either, we had a Teacher Friday. It started with a surprise for a coworker who heads into radiation for breast cancer next week. We all wore custom pink tee-shirts in her honor. Even the manliest of men on the staff bought and wore the bright pink with pride. And yes, readers, she wiped away a tear when she realized what we’d done.

It ended with teachers getting punchy and sharing quotes by building email. People, we couldn’t make this stuff up if we tried.

From teacher of 2nd and 3rd grade:

I just had a parent email me whose child is being benchmarked by Ms. W right now.  She referred to Ms. W. as “The Reading Assessor.”

I wonder if that’s like a tax assessor? As long as she’s not a tax collector, we should be okay.

From a middle school teacher trying to help a student navigate the resources of the virtual school system:

Teacher: You can’t find the rubrics?

KID: What are rubicks?

Teacher: Go into the section message board.

KID: Aaaahhh, ummmm

Teacher: Do you know which icon to click on?

KID: Yeah. The pushpin thumbtack like thing.

ME: Great! Click on that.

KID: Ok.

ME: Are you in the section message boards?

KID: No, I’m at home.


Honestly, people we can’t make this up. Happy Friday, have a great weekend, and may the rain help your garden grow for a little bit longer. Monday will be here all too soon.

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2 thoughts on “You might be a teacher…

  1. When I was in education I hated having all school dances during a full moon.

    I am also surprised at how animals seem to react to full moon.
    What you did with the pink shirts for your colleague was very kind.

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