>Murphy’s Law of Rain

>Murphy’s Law says that whatever can go wrong, will. Our local version of Murphy’s Law in regards to weather is this: all significant storms will go around our area, unless we are grilling out.

It happened again today — for the third time this summer. The radar looked like we’d once again miss the heart of the storm, so I fired up the grill, and sure enough the thunder rumbled threateningly just as I got the fire started. Luckily, we have a good charcoal grill with a lid and a side vent and a chimney, so I cooked outside anyway. So there! I used an umbrella to check on the meat and wore a rainjacket to bring it in. And yes, the Superburgers were delicious. So were the side dishes: the incredibly frivolous jello fluff and the simple pasta salad, not to mention the chocolate chip cookies that are almost gone.

So, my advice to you drought-ridden folk is this: Grill out more often. It worked for me!

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