>Deep Questions

>Upon unpacking boxes of materials in my new classroom, the following questions arose.

Why do I own a world map that includes the USSR? The Soviet Union collapsed before I started teaching!
Where’s the coffeepot in this building?
How many boxes do I need to open with my fingernails before finding my scissors?
Why are so many boxes are labeled DESK? Do I really own that many pens and paper clips?
How is it that the posters that took up four large drawers last year all fit in one drawer now? Oh, I guess I missed a box. Or two.
In which corner does my flag go?

When’s lunch?

Do all new teachers get the ugliest file cabinets? I’m not really new. Really, I’m not.
Where’s the nearest printer? And where’s the color printer?
Can I fit my four computers on two tables so that I have room for books and kids in the Book Nook corner?
Can I throw away the ancient styrofoam cups stored in the cupboard?
Did my supply order come in? What do you mean, what supply order?
Where is the file of my sent emails under budget?
When can I go home?

And the rest of the story: Yes, I threw away the outdated map. The media specialist led me to the printers. I re-wrote the missing purchase order, using details from my files. We have a gem of a secretary, and she started the wheels turning as soon as I gave her the specs. Hopefully, I’ll have everything soon after school starts.

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2 thoughts on “>Deep Questions

  1. >Truly laughing out loud! Hopefully the rest of the school year will go more smoothly! A great secretary can make all the difference. 🙂

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