>I’ve been “tagged” by Momnos to answer a few questions on books in my life. This is harder than it looks! I read a lot, both professionally and for pleasure, and it was still difficult to come up with answers for all of these.

A book that changed my life:
When I was young, I read and re-read Little Women. I was going to be Jo March when I grew up! I liked (and still prefer) books with strong female characters, believable plots, and good writing. I read Frank McCourt’s memoir Teacher Man earlier this summer. It was excellent — right on the money.

A book I’ve read more than once:
I reread. I do. Reading a good book once isn’t enough. I read The Horse Whisperer by Nicholas Evans so many times I can recite certain scenes in my mind. The movie was okay, but the book is SO much better. Evans has a way of describing his characters through their actions that lets the reader feel like a part of the story. Every time he publishes a new one, I buy it.

A book I’d like to have on a desert island:
Since I reread most books, I have trouble picking just one. If I were marooned somewhere, I’d hope that my previous reading would do me some good. In fact, I’d stand a better chance of surviving in a wooded area, based on reading a lot of Gary Paulson (Hatchet) and Jean Craighead George (My Side of the Mountain).

A book that made me laugh out loud:
Bill Bryson’s travel books make me laugh every time. I’ve read A Walk in the Woods several times, and I laugh out loud.

A book that made me cry:
Back to children’s literature again — when I read Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech, I needed a box of tissues by my side. Oh, my, she builds up to a surprising and amazing climax.

A book I wish I had written:
There are too many to choose from. I really enjoy good books. I wish I’d thought of Harry Potter, but honestly, J.K. Rowling does him better than I would. She just gets better with every book.

A book that never should have been written:
Rather than a book, I’ll refer to a lengthy tome that affects so many children: the Elementary and Secondary Schools Act, sometimes known incorrectly as No Child Left Behind. Frankly, this law is very poorly written and leaves a lot of children behind.

A book I’m currently reading:
Alma Mater: a college homecoming by P.E. Kluge, and The Poetry Home Repair Manual by Ted Kooser. Maybe Ted Kooser’s suggestions will help me improve on my own work! When school starts, I make a conscious effort to have pleasure reading on my bedside. It keeps things in perspective and lets me sleep peacefully at night.

A book I’m planning to read;
Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich. Many of my friends have read and recommended it.

Thanks for the tag, Momnos. This was a thoughtful and enjoyable post to write!

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One thought on “

  1. >I am planning on re-visiting your poetry site soon. I don’t want to offer unsolicited critique– but I do love reviewing peers..

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