- We picked up Amigo’s prescription. That’s good.
- My new insurance made a typo and changed his birthdate in their records. That’s not so good.
- Let the phone calling begin. He has a state I.D., a passport, and we have a copy of his birth certificate around, if the Powers That Be get too crazy about it.
- Amigo and I went to Fleet Farm for bunny litter (wood fuel pellets). They were on sale. That’s good.
- Fleet Farm was out of bean bag chairs. That’s not so good.
- We’ll wait patiently and read the Sunday ad inserts. Fleet Farm always has bean bag chairs.
- We ran errands this morning. That was cold.
- We’re settled on the couch now, warming up in blankets. That’s warm and cozy.
- Chuck just brought up the storage bins for ornaments. That’s ominous; it means he’ll want us to get up and help undecorate the tree.
- I have a new cast iron skillet! That’s good!
- I seasoned it last night! That’s good, too!
- I scrambled eggs in the newly seasoned skillet! That’s amazingly awesome!
Okay, now I’m clutching at straws. Look for this desperation in seeking out the positive to increase through January 20. After that, who knows?