The snowmen are still around. Packer decor is scattered all over the house. The Dream Tree on the wall is new, a gift from an artist friend. I wasn’t ready to take it down after Christmas.
Somehow, she knew what I was feeling and how down I was before Christmas. Between clinical depression, work challenges, and the physical pain caused by both, I was at my lowest when this arrived.
The tree is beautiful; it’s not just for Christmas. Did she know my dining room walls are blue, and the colors are perfect? Whether she did or not, my artist friend knew I needed to dream, and dream of peace. The colors, the design, the shapes all speak to me of peace. There is a special tiny ornament, too – can you see it?
The spaciness that comes from depression, especially from the interrupted sleep, is still present. As my condition improves and I make more deposits into the sleep bank, I hope to show my Wise Owl side more often.