Friday night Fireworks

We ended the summer with a bang and a boom of fireworks. The night started simply: some good tunes from Amigo’s favorite radio station on their highly decorated and LOUD truck.

                                    …play something country!

We did what they say on the ads; we enjoyed the fun, and stayed for the game. Peanuts, funnel cake, refreshing beverages – and a dancing umpire?

                             When all else fails, dance!

                No fowl, er, foul here!

This was a visiting mascot, too, that we’ve never seen before. Fang, we think, had a broken, um, er, tail.

                                                          Can you see it? 

Here’s a closer look.

Really. What kind of a doctor handles mascot injuries? Who will put the spring back in Fang’s tail? And why are those people dressed like burgers? Never mind. Just watch the game, and enjoy the fireworks afterward.

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One thought on “Friday night Fireworks

  1. What fun! We saw a dancing grounds crew when we went to a game this summer!
    They break ground (ceremonially) on the new stadium tomorrow!!!

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