>Oh, lovely day. My students are expanding their outlook in a way I’d rather they didn’t.
They have a new vocabulary word. The word is Hob knocker; if you look this word up there are several definitions:
A Hob Knocker is a person that is considered cool but in a nerdy geekish kind of way. (Nickelodeon Definition)
Hob Knocker: one who goes around hitting people in their privates. (true English Definition)
Another definition is that one goes around hitting others WITH their privates. (true English Definition)Student definition: it means someone that walks around, acts cool, does drugs and smokes.
What will they think of next? No, don’t answer that. I don’t think I want to know.
In other news, I intercepted the following note between two students.
OMG! They’re only 10 years old! Between the HobKnockers and the puppies and the young love, they don’t leave much to chance.
>See, these are reasons I know why I could never be a teacher! Volunteering a couple hours a week is plenty for me!!! This is why you get paid the big bucks-Ha!!!
>Oh my! NEVER heard of this. Wonder what they'd have made of the "Hobnobbin restaurant!"
>Holy moley. I got nuthin'.