Questions. I have questions.

When the Coneheads cue the jingle and sing “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there,” does Barry Manilow get royalties?

What would life be without rhetorical questions?

Do Tarek and Christina El Moussa ever make anything simply stand out, or does everything have to “pop”?

Does the super El Nino mean we might not have a white Christmas?

Do I work in an office of chocolate hoarders?

The last one deserves explanation. Halloween was a rainy night, and many folks in our area had leftover candy. I brought leftovers to work and dumped them on a tray in the closet that functions as a teachers’ lounge. Less than an hour later, another staff member had doubled the size of the pile. By lunch, there were two flavors left: Whoppers malted milk balls and Dum Dum suckers. By the end of the school day, even the Whoppers were gone. The only piece of candy left on the tray was a Dum Dum succker – Mystery Flavor.

One solution is this: we’re teachers. We get enough surprises in a normal day. Mystery flavor? Like Bertie Botts Every Flavor beans, it might be ear wax or vomit. It might be bacon – or it might be chili pepper. I wonder how long the Mystery Flavor will sit in the closet-lounge before someone either takes it or throws it away? We could almost have an office pool on the topic. Heck, I’m losing the office football pool. Maybe I could win this one.

But in the meantime, I’ll wonder and ponder these oh-so unimportant questions.

What was I talking about, anyway?

Readers, what are the irrelevant questions in you lives at the moment?

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One thought on “Questions. I have questions.

  1. Why, at my apartment complex, do the residents put anything anywhere? Is it that hard to separate trash/rubbish from recyclable objects??

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