>I can see the ground!! And — and — more!

>It’s not exactly aesthetically pleasing. Muddy brown, with old half-decomposed leaves, sunbleached boards that soaked up their share of snow for months, and a snake-like dead zucchini vine.

It’s not traditionally beautiful. The trellis is falling down, and that is an old broom handle leaning against the wall. One lone (dead) raspberry bush, if you can even dignify it with the term, stands weakly in the dirt, untrimmed last fall and uneaten by the neighborhood wild bunnies over the winter.

But walk around the corner and look closely. Not green, but red: the rhubarb is poking its head through the matted blanket of last fall’s leaves. Mmm. I can taste the muffins already.

Happy Love Thursday, everyone. I hope you’ll all see the sun, and soon.

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6 thoughts on “>I can see the ground!! And — and — more!

  1. >Yay! The snow is gone! Yay for rhubarb…even though I’ve never had it. But it’s alive and looks lovely amongst all the leaves!

  2. >Rhubarb! I had a rhubarb stalk once, while visiting a boyfriend’s home in Minnesota. I’ve always heard rhubarb pie is delicious!

  3. >I work and work on my yard and never seem to make any progress. Still it is fun. I am jealous of your rhubarb, I love rhubarb!

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