
>This is Husband’s recipe. He makes it, I eat it. Well, okay, he eats it, too. La Petite has added this to her repertoire now, too. It’s become a standard when we need to bring a dish to pass.

Guacamole Dip

2 Ripe avocados, peeled, cored, cut up
1 large tomato (fresh, firm, diced – peeled if you prefer)
1/4 chopped red onion
1/3 to 1/2 cup mayonnaise or Miracle Whip
1 teaspoon salt
1-2 drops tabasco sauce
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
(optional: 1 diced green onion)

Combine and mash all ingredients. Cover and let chill for a few hours or overnight. Serve cold with chips!

For the tomato: Before dicing, slice the top off; then use a grapefruit spoon to scoop out the inner pulp.
Chips: Use any kind, but make sure they’re firm. Chips that crack in the thick, delicious guacamole dip are no fun at all.
On the side: margaritas, of course!

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5 thoughts on “>Guacamole

  1. >I'm a huge fan of guacamole. Have you tried it with fresh cilantro? I don't use a recipe, but what I make looks a lot like yours minus the mayonnaise and plus a generous handful of chopped, fresh cilantro. Sometimes I'll use lime juice instead of lemon, but the key is: a little sweet, a little sour, and a little savory.

    Next batch I make, I'll add some mayo as per your husband's recipe. Thanks!

  2. >Holy Guacomole, Mayo is just a fat that adds to the calories. Again you added lemon juice and not lime juice. Try the cilantro or some Italian flat leafed parsley. For a change try Mango and some crunchy fruit lie Asian pears. Tabasco has a new Hot sauce that is slightly milder and more garlic. Oh well, if you like it, eat it. MUD

  3. >I have an avocado ripening on my kitchen window ledge. When I make sandwiches, I love using a little avocado instead of mayo.

  4. >My wife makes hers without Mayo. She also uses a lime to stop the avocados from turning brown.

    Thanks for the recipeā€¦ perhaps when I make it myself, I will use that (I love Mayo).

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