Green Tomatoes

Folks, this was a week ago. I hope to slip out at halftime (of the Packer game, need you ask?) and pick what’s left outside. We’ve had unseasonably warm weather, so I have a few tomato plants and several pepper plants bearing fruit.

I have a few choices. One: wait until enough tomatoes turn red to make a sauce or soup. They’re sitting in the sun; this plan has possibilities..

Tomatoes in the sun!

Tomatoes in the sun!

Or – there are two things that money can’t buy:

True love and fried green tomatoes.

True love and fried green tomatoes.

As the end of the harvest season approaches, we’re still eating good tomatoes.

Tomatoes - and herbs.

Tomatoes – and herbs. 

It’s shaping up to be a delicious autumn. Winter? We won’t talk about that yet.

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