>Step one: I took all the posters out of the drawers, spread them out, sorted the collection. What a mess! To top it all off, I didn’t have anything that illustrated the theme for this year: trains, the Fourth Grade Express. I attacked it the way I attacked the dearth of science posters a few years ago: with clip art and the overhead projector. Decidedly low tech, but also low or no cost, it worked for me. Luckily, my artistic daughter and my husband’s knowledge of trains provided the needed boost to make these posters come alive. Here’s the rough draft of the “Read” poster.
>AH, I love the arty people. Cute poster:)
>I love them! Very cute and to the point. You have one talented family there.
>Wow! That's some talent! Very nice of her to help out
This harkend me back to my earlier days of teaching when I made everything, took time to do great bulletin boards…there was a real satisfaction in creating that stuff. I wish I had kept it all.
These are wonderful! Pleae keep them. Date them and put a little reminder of how they came to be on the back. What great artifacts about your career from and for your family!