Almost an Encore: September

It’s September at the O.K. Chorale. How can you tell? Here are the signs.

10. School has started – for Daisy, at least.
9. Trees are falling.  I mean leaves are falling – a few, anyway.
8. The crock pot has a semi-permanent home in the kitchen again.
7. The lunch boxes are getting regular use.
6. There’s fresh zucchini something, almost always, in the kitchen.
5. We’re eating the opponent again! Check the GB Packers schedule, find a food from the opposing team’s locale, and make it on Friday or Saturday night.
4. I wear a jacket to walk to school in the morning and carry it home.
3. It’s hard to decide between hot coffee and a blended latte over ice.
2. The green and gold spirit clothes are at the front of the closet.
1. People are locking their car doors at church so they don’t find the backseats full of zucchini when they come out!!
 This is a post from September 2011. Not much has changed in the neighborhood! Yesterday was a beautiful fall day. I didn’t walk to work, but I walked to the smoothie shop for lunch and picked up a Get up and Goji smoothie. It hit the spot. 
Credit to Garrison Keillor for suggesting #1. He’s such a funny storyteller because his anecdotes have a strong basis in read life!

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