Taking care of family, garden, and coffee and sharing it with the online world
- Another Polar Vortex?
- Who decided that temperatures below zero were a good idea?
- Who invented wind chill, and why?
- Does this cold stretch mean March is coming in like a Lion? It’ll go out like a lamb then, right? Right?
- By this time we usually mind the snow a little less because we can look forward to seeing it melt. But the temperatures today….
- I’d throw a little sand and salt on that ice patch, but when temperatures get this low, there’s no point.
- Dang Arctic blast.
- The compost bin is frozen. I can’t get the top off.
- Does the vehicle we’re test driving have working heat? Hey, does the control in the back seat work? And it works well? Sold.
- Ack! It’s windy.
- Oof! It’s cold.
- Why are the seeds already on display at the store? Next to the shovels, no less?
- There’s another front moving in. Which one of us gets to have the weather headache this time?
- When will this end?
WHAAAA! I’m with you!
My kids have a half day so today is nutty but hopefully you’ll hear from me tomorrow, ready to bring you books!
This has been a cold winter. Luckily the cars of today start much better than the cars of 50 years ago. Unfortunately I am again working in this cold.