>I didn’t want to cook. I was tired of cooking. I was feeling lazy. I didn’t want to shop, either. Therefore, I dubbed it “Let’s see what we already have in the house that will work together” day. I experienced and blogged this in August, but it could work today, too; I’d just be harvesting from the farmers’ market or the freezer instead of the backyard.
If there were a recipe, it might have looked something like this.
First: 2 chicken breasts and about a pint of chicken stock, both frozen. Dump into crockpot as is, without thawing.
Next: Sprinkle herbs (basil, oregano, thyme) over chicken & stock. Let simmer on low.
Slice vegetables thin, remove peas from pods, and eventually layer veggies on top of chicken (when chicken is suitably thawed and beginning to cook, that is).
La Petite doesn’t like mushrooms, so saute them separately with butter and garlic.
Let the whole thing simmer all day.
>That looks delish. And yay for getting your paper done!