>KinderCone; plan ahead for next fall!

>A child’s first day of school can be a bittersweet moment in a parent’s life, but in Germany and Austria it is a day of celebration and appreciation. On that day, families present their first grader with their very own Schultüte. Inside, the child finds little gifts, treats, and school supplies. KinderCone wants to inspire every family and their young children to enjoy learning by celebrating this special event in their lives.

The KinderCone company sent me a modern-day Cone to see and review. I was pleasantly surprised at the size of it; I’d expected something smaller. It’s bright, colorful, and exciting: just the atmosphere to help a new student feel confident and enthusiastic about the coming year.

The first kindergarten in the U.S.A. opened in Watertown, Wisconsin; the town still maintains a museum dedicated to this important innovation in early childhood education.However, Kinder in Kindercone doesn’t stand for kindergarten; it represents the German term for children. In our American school system, we start kids in kindergarten rather than first grade. Many, though, consider grade one to be the first year of serious schooling.

But on the serious and sweet sides, a kindercone is a gift to inspire and excite, something special for young scholars. Motivating a child is important, and a special first day gift is a wonderful idea.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of KinderCone and received KinderCone samples to facilitate my review. The samples are going to my school, where many children are not lucky enough to receive such wonderful gifts. Mom Central also sent me gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate. Maybe a Teacher Cone is next: filled with coffee beans, perhaps?

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>A Teacher’s Pet Peeves

>I do my best. I have a quote near my desk reminding me not to let that which I cannot control affect that which I can. What about those items that seem to be under my control, but keep happening? Every teacher has them: the pet peeves.

1. Perfectly good pencils left behind on the floor at the end of a day. This student will probably complain tomorrow that he has no pencils, and therefore cannot do his math. Grrrrrr!

2. Paper, recyclable paper, in the wastebasket – when the recycling bin is right next to it! I worry that we’re raising a generation of kids for whom recycling is a “yeah, yeah, yeah, okay” instead of a useful and valuable action.

3. Violins left at school all week. This is twofold: the violins get in my way, like the one right under my chair legs. More important, the students aren’t practicing. If they only play the instrument once a week, they’ll make no progress. It’s a lot like learning math or reading: practicing the skills is essential to maintaining knowledge and making progress.
Okay, readers, spill it. What are your pet peeves, teacher or not?

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>Earth Week in retrospective

>You can tell it’s spring by the signs of Earth Week in my classroom. Worked into the collection between the other books are many Earthy titles. Science Verse is there because it’s one of my favorites and April is also Poetry Month.

Look to the right, and you’ll see why there are so many on the shelf; the Seasonal bucket wasn’t big enough for all the books on an environmental theme.

My desk is often a repository of evidence of whatever we’re studying. Cluttered, perhaps; but look closely. Here, in the corner by the keyboard.

It’s one of our Earth Week specialty plans: the Circle of Earth Cookie. One of my colleagues at the environmental charter shared this plan. The cookie is a circle, like Earth. The M&Ms represent soil (brown), plants (green), animals (orange), sky/ air (blue), and last but not least, yellow for the sun. The frosting is there to hold it all together.

The students loved the cookies and the simple plan. They really knew what each piece represented.

I had a hard time keeping Paddington, Snoopy, Fluffy and pals from eating mine!
This post is going up a week after the official Earth Week celebration. However, it’s important to keep inserting eco-conscious habits into our lives every day.

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>Going Green Today and tomorrow, too

>I was going to skip it this year, but I didn’t. I signed up for the 30 day “Going Green Today” project through my employer’s wellness program. Last year I felt that it was rather redundant for some like me, a mom/teacher/ blogger/ gardener who already incorporates a lot of eco-conscious habits into everyday living.

They made it easy and paperless. I signed up. After the start of tracking green behaviors, I decided to focus on a specific area every day.

One day I reached for the maximum (nine points) by using only one-point activities. Another day I counted only activities at work; another day only that which occurred at home.

For example, I earned 3 points for re-using paper at work. That was too easy; I often copy on the backs of used paper. I filled the remaining six with single point items: using recycled paper, turning the computer on sleep mode, using white boards or slates (chalkboards), turning off my computer at the end of the day, reusing packing materials, and reusing office supplies (never throw away a paper clip).

On the home front, I reported a 3-pt. car tune-up (recent, not today, but it counts), a low-flow showerhead also for three (chosen for our upcoming remodeling project), and for one point each: donating used items instead of throwing them away (to purge the closets before the closet remodel), using biodegradable cat litter (rabbit litter, in our home), and finally, filling the dishwasher full before running it.

Yesterday I decided to focus on big actions that I’ve done in the past, actions that provide an opportunity to be green daily. Four points for starting a compost pile; I started it years ago, use it daily, and added a second bin last August located so that I can fill it all winter. Another four points for insulating our water heater; we bought a new insulated water heater recently. I’ll check next time I’m in the basement; if it’s an Energy Star appliance, I can count it for four points some other day. Third, but not least, I added one point for using my Starbucks thermos rather than getting a disposable cup every day.

The project is not a contest. The goal of participating is to build good, green habits by paying attention to everyday actions. I’m fairly green already, so I participate to challenge myself and validate my choices. Next week maybe I’ll focus on putting a twist on regular actions – taking a daily behavior and tweaking it up a notch.

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>Is this the New Normal?

>Economic woes.

Call it what you will, but it means jobs lost. Eliminated. Cut.
Incomes diminished, destroyed,
Homes lost, combined, foreclosed.

If the economy begins a recovery, even at the rate of generating 200,00 jobs a month, it will still take more than three years to return to where we were just one year ago (source: Time).

If families with little or no income become the norm rather than the exception — imagine the possibilities.

One symptom of poverty is lack of telephone service. Families turn to prepaid phones, turn them on only when needed, and neglect to give the new phone number to the school. You can guess the next piece: teachers and principals try to contact the family and reach only disconnected phone numbers. Student is sick: no luck. Student is in trouble and needs support from family: no luck. Student is suspended and needs to be removed from school: well, that happens, too. If more and more families have trouble paying for phones, landline or cell, what happens to the children then?

Another symptom of poverty is hunger. If widespread unemployment is the new normal, then the number of families needing free breakfast and lunch will increase. Who will fund this increase? The money has to come from somewhere.

I haven’t even mentioned shelter. Families double up, moving often, when they have no money. Kids lose sense of stability; not knowing where they’ll be after school, much less the weekend. We make referrals to agencies that can help, but even those agencies have limited funds.

Then there’s the instability that affects behavior. The child who feels angry at the world may lash out at the kid in the next seat on the school bus. The angry child gets disciplined, perhaps suspended from the bus. How does that child get to school now? Parents may or may not own a vehicle. If they do, it is not likely to be maintained well. Without money, what happens?

Is this the new normal? Joblessness, homelessness, hunger? If so, what’s next?

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>I’ll wear my necklace if you’ll top my pop.

>In a fine example of upcycling, a nearby charter school made bottle cap necklaces to sell as a fundraiser. I bought a daisy, of course. It’s just my style in so many ways.

This is the back. We’ve asked around and Hubs even did a cursory Internet search, and we have no idea what kind of bottle this cap adorned.

A cone-head style guy saying, “Pop My Top.” Well, readers, ideas? Is this a regional item? A soda/pop bottle, or something else? I’m listening — chime in!

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>Working on Sunday: desk before and after

>Contrary to popular belief, teachers do work weekends. On a recent Sunday, I spent two hours at my desk with a to-do list. On the top of the list: Clean Desk.

Here’s the before picture. Book box, papers, near-empty hand sanitizer bottle, file folders – you name it, it was there. I knew when I left on Friday that I had to come back; there was no chance of facing this kind of disaster on Monday morning and starting the week feeling, well, sane.

I waded through the piles on the desk, made the copies I needed, planned math lessons for the week, printed keyboarding scores, and more. I pulled out the cleaning wipes and dusted the top of the file cabinet (yuck), wiped down the desk (not so bad, really), and even dragged a wipe across the computer keyboard.

Ah. Deep sigh of relief. Now I can face Monday with a more positive attitude. The bad news, though: it won’t take long to pile up the desk again. It’s just the nature of the job.

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>The Girl Scout in Me


The Brownies at my school were working on their HerStory badge and wanted to interview adults who had been Girl Scouts when they were young. I pulled out my old Junior uniform sash and took a walk down memory lane.

A quick inventory shows a few stars, tarnished from storage in basements and closets. Fly-up wings representing the move from Brownies to Juniors. Troop number, council name, and badges: badges galore.

The badges are a fascinating glimpse into the girl I was in elementary school. Two music: one general, another more advanced. A cooking badge; I earned that with my piano teacher and her daughters. Two that imply outdoor cooking – what was the difference between the campfire and the grill? Was it exactly what it seems? There’s a badge with a slipper, medeival style. Storytelling? Theater? The sewing badge that I earned along with my troop; I squeaked through this one by the skin of my teeth with my mother’s help. The sewing gene skipped a generation; my daughter can sew, but I can’t.

The oval patch above the troop number – I now know it was the troop crest – featured a lily of the valley. I’ve always loved these gentle flowers, and I grow them in my backyard.

With the patches – badges and crests and more – come the memories. I hope today’s Scouts’ memories last into their adulthood. I thank them for inviting me to visit their troop and stirring me to reflect on the way the Girl Scout in my past resembled the woman I am now.

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>I am teacher: who am I?


The knowledge bases of a professional teacher are many, diverse, and complex; and skillful teaching requires systematic and continual study of these knowledge bases.

Wow. Did I realize the depth of my profession when I chose this field? I can only answer that with another question: does anyone in teacher training truly realize the skill needed, the complex knowledge bases (not just base), and the continual study it will require?

Teaching changes as children change, as society changes, as our economic system changes, and as our future changes. Perhaps you’ve heard people talk about the way many modern jobs and careers did not exist when the professionals in the fields were in elementary school. I’m not sure the general public understands the complexity – wait. Strike that, reverse it. I’m sure that most members of the general public have no idea of the complexity in every day of teaching.

On that note, I think I’d better quit blogging and sign up for next summer’s continuing education course. I’m looking at differentiation techniques for teaching talented and gifted students. They’re in my class, in my neighborhood, and in our world. These are the quick learners, the voracious readers, and often the neglected students left to learn on their own as we assist the lower achievers. To add to another knowledge base, add to my diverse repertoire, I’m seeking systematic and continual study: again.

Quote from The Skillful Teacher by Saphier, Haley-Speca, and Gower.

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>Health Coverage for all – are you listening, Congress?

>One of the best posts I’ve read about making health coverage available to all: Erin at Queen of Spain talks about her day in the ER.

I saw a news feature about a new treatment for head lice; it’s safer and greener, a method that suffocates the little bugs rather than kills them. Avoiding pesticides on children’s heads? Good. Bad? It’s only available by prescription. Families I’ve known who’ve been repeatedly re-infected haven’t had health insurance. If payday was recent enough, they’d head to the drugstore for an over-the-counter remedy and hoped it would work. Meanwhile, their kids miss school until all the nits can be stripped using the proverbial fine-toothed comb.

Two kids talking on their way to recess:
Student 1: “Mrs. Teacher, do you know anything about insurance? Like doctors? Doesn’t everyone have that?”
Student 2: “My mom doesn’t. She wants to get a good job so she can go to the doctor when she’s sick.”
Two ten-year-olds bringing health care coverage into their real lives: what’s wrong with this picture? One was a middle-class child, two working parents with good benefits in their jobs. The other was a child of a recent divorce and a tough time financially. Both were hardworking children of hardworking parents. Why should one family have coverage and the other not?

Erin (a.k.a. Queen of Spain) was lucky; she could drive directly to the ER without a second thought.

Remember the signs at the Vancouver Olympics? You know, after the USA surprised Canada’s hockey team by beating them 5-3 in the first round.

Heck, now they have a gold medal, too. When will the U.S. find its gold medal health care? Please don’t tell me that only time will tell; we need it now.

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