>Taking pleasure in the small things


The week ended the same way it began – badly. I spent the drive to Chicago alternating napping and checking email on my phone, trying not to entertain too many work-related thoughts because I felt like I was rocking uncontrollably, hanging on for dear life and wailing “Where am I going, and what am I doing in this handbasket?!”
But after a simple veggie burger and fast food fries for supper with a little Andes mint custard for dessert, my stressed-out stomach began healing and my outlook started facing up and forward, not down and back. Eventually we dropped La Petite at the spare room that was her destination and checked into our treat, a hotel room.
That’s where I began to count my blessings in the form of simple pleasures.

-a lumbar pillow, just the right size to rest my aching back while I read a book in bed
-in-room coffee maker, a personal favorite
– and a little hazelnut flavor to make it go down smoothly.
With simple pleasures like these included in my overnight stay, all must be well with the world.

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>Donors Choose Update: oh, yes.

>I was honestly thinking of writing about compassion fatigue: generous people who just can’t give any more. With so many free-lunch students I can’t even count them, families who have trouble buying pencils, and my own budget shrinking, I have a hard time coming up with a few pennies no matter how worthy the cause.

And then I got the benchmark reading levels for my class. Seven fourth graders, only one with a diagnosed learning disability, all reading at a first grade level. Kids reading at the level of Frog and Toad, Henry and Mudge, Little Bear. But they didn’t want to be caught reading Little Bear in front of their peers.
So I went to work. Research: where can I find high -interest, low-reading level books for these students? All want to read. They want to read cool books, fun books. So I found cool, fun, and easy books. And oh, my, were they pricey. Buying any quantity for teaching purposes would require a significant investment.
I wrote to several civic groups. I had missed the fall deadline for one. One turned me down saying we didn’t “fit their mission,” but referred me to another source. Yet another funded some more glamorous projects. Face it; books aren’t sexy, no matter how necessary.
Then along came DonorsChoose.org. I found them after writing a post for MomCentral Consulting, a PR post announcing their Bing “Our School Needs” project. One of the perks of writing a post was a donation credit code for DonorsChoose.org. You guessed it; I wrote my own project so I could keep my donation code at home, er, at my own school.
I shamelessly promoted this project through Plurk, Twitter, and my own blog. Other bloggers promoted it, too, and even donated. Yesterday I got the exciting news: my project was closed. Funded completely. Done.
Oh. My. Goodness. I could hardly sit still. Even though I’ve verified the orders and downloaded the thank you package, I’m still in a bit of happy shock.
The biggest and happiest surprise was the speed at which the project finished. Several donors ate away very quickly at the first hundred. Then a large donor, a foundation new to me, stepped in and finished the job.
Douglas and Maria Bayer Foundation, I applaud you. My students will thank you, too – as soon as I get their photo releases and help them write the letters. Seeing the project fully funded so soon and with a major generous donor really knocked my socks off. It’s wonderful to see that despite all the needs in our world, compassion and generosity still thrive.
Now, about those donor codes? The school down the road has a project, too. It’s time to Pay it Forward.

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>Seeking the elusive balance

>Regular readers know that I’m in the midst of an extremely stressful school year. Health issues in September made that even harder. I usually de-stress by gardening, visiting the farmers’ market, and then cooking or canning what I harvest and buy. While on crutches, playing in the kitchen wasn’t an option. Walking around downtown to buy fresh food wasn’t in the cards, either.

Seeking balance is tough. I’m recovering from the bout with gout, and my feet and ankles are slowly but surely regaining strength. I’ve learned to avoid the worst of the bullies at school (yes, some of my coworkers are nasty). Nightmares about school disturb my sleep or wake me in a cold sweat with a tension backache.
I make lemonade with the lemons I’ve been given by writing grants, procuring books, and preparing a DonorsChoose.org project that will benefit my neediest students.
A recent weekend showed the challenge of successful balance.
Spreading compost on the gardens takes strength, risks injuring weak ankle and sore back. But it feels so good, so productive, and sets up for a successful spring planting. What to do?
I always bring home a bag full of schoolwork. Bringing out these papers and projects takes time and concentration and risks taking my train of thought to scary-stressful tangents. A stack of math or science papers can send my blood pressure sky high, but this work has to be done. What to do?
The family needs to be fed, the blog needs updating, and there’s laundry to wash, dry, fold, and stash. Well? Now what?
Balance. I drafted the bulk of a math project, a summary and plan of a recent geometry unit for a math training institute I started last summer. With a focus on the task at hand (and the washer and dryer running while I worked), I created a strong rough draft that will need only a few additions and revisions Monday before the class meets on Tuesday.
Then I grabbed a shovel and went to play in the dirt. Now I can stand and contemplate with pride the compost and soil on top of the barriers on the mint bed. After a few months under the snow and ice, this section will be available for better use in the spring. I stopped after this (three wheelbarrow-loads of compost was enough shoveling for the day) and went back inside.
More laundry: wash, dry, fold, stash.
Updated blog, planned more posts for later in the week, knowing I’d be in meetings at least three days after school and have limited blog time.
There was more, and Chuck kept wondering why I didn’t stick to just one project. Alternating physical and mental and emotionally-charged tasks helped keep me balanced. And after that, taking a break by the fireplace and doing a little recipe research helped plan for decent healthy eating later in the week. That’s another good time investment; takes pressure off to think, plan, and cook at 4:30 after struggling to teach in a rough environment all day.
Balance? I might never achieve the elusive goal. Maybe someday I’ll reach that point. For now, what I’m doing can only help keep the effects of major stresses at bay.

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>Dunkin’ Donuts Coffee


Me and my big mouth. I mentioned the latest product review for my blog and the lovely package (pictured below) that had just arrived in the mail.

Minutes later, I was surrounded by fellow coffee-loving teachers suggesting that I really needed to expand the pool of taste-testers. They offered the art teacher’s coffeepot.

I gave in.
The vanilla nut flavor made a home in the school office with our incredibly more-than-competent secretarial staff. They’re wonderful people, and they’ve helped me out so much this year that there’s not enough coffee in the world to say thanks. After I made a couple of pots of vanilla nut at home (I had to try it out myself, of course, or where’s the integrity?) I delivered the rest of this delicious blend to the divine Ms. M and superior Ms. K.
The mocha mint flavor tastes like Christmas. The first time I made it, I kept looking outside and expecting snow, not leaves awaiting my rake. I felt like wrapping presents and decorating the tree. I shared about half of the package with my teacher friends, but I’m setting the rest aside for December. They had a similar reaction, invoking statements like “I think I’ll go home and find my Christmas music!”
Pumpkin Spice is perfect for November. Harvest-style flavor, just sweet enough, and an aroma that brings Thanksgiving into my home – what more could I want? Well, someone to clean up after the turkey is carved, maybe, but I’ll settle for Pumpkin Spice Coffee for now. The P.E. teacher was especially excited to try this flavor because she had seen it in the grocery store, but didn’t want to buy a full bag until she knew it was good. Well, now she knows.
My professional colleagues understand the role of a good cup of coffee in maintaining teacher sanity. I predict more of these lovely blends will find their way into our school building’s coffeepots.
I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Smuckers and received necessary products to facilitate my review. In addition, I received a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate. All that and a chance to share with my friends, too – now that’s the holiday spirit. Thanks, Dunkin. Thanks, MomCentral. I hope your holidays are delicious and enjoyable.

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>Just another recipe contest?

>The email from administration had potential.

Subject line: “New and Exciting Opportunity!” and I knew it wasn’t spam.
In the body of the email:
“The USDA is challenging school nutrition professionals, chefs, parents and interested community members to create tasty, healthy, exciting new recipes for inclusion on school lunch menus across the country.”

Has anyone spotted the omission yet?
So I thought “Recipes. School. Community garden. Local influences. Dairy – grade level curriculum. This has potential.” So I went to the web site to find out that each team would “…develop, document, and prepare at least one healthy recipe in one of three categories (Whole Grains, Dark Green and Orange vegetables, or Dry Beans and Peas). The recipes get tested in a school cafeteria, then sent on up the ranks until a final cook-off.
In the details, I found out that each team had to include “…a chef, a school nutrition professional, at least one student…, and at least one parent or community member.”
I’m only a teacher. I don’t count. Students spend more time with me than with any other school professional. I supervise their snack times. I teach the health curriculum. I implement energizers to get them up and moving. I participate on the community garden committee, send home the annual state-given pine trees with advice for planting, and more. Despite my gardening experience, a growing interest in the locavore philosophy, recent ventures into the realm of canning, and skills in contest & grant writing, I’m only a teacher.
And this USDA school cafeteria recipe contest doesn’t include teachers.
I guess the kids in my school will never get to taste my salsa or my orange marmalade.

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>Lifelong Learning

>The best teachers are lifelong learners.

At a staff development session the other night I was struck by the observation that none of us were new; every teacher in the conference room had at least 10 years of experience. Several had earned Masters’ degrees in education. We were all there to learn a developmental method of teaching word study, phonics, and spelling.
I learned a great deal. And as I left I wondered, where were the newbies? The rookie teachers, the ones who could implement this immediately and never look back at a spelling textbook in their entire career?
Unfortunately, we’re seeing a trend in recent graduates. They know it all. One, two, or three years into their careers, they know more than the reading teachers. They know more than the literacy coach, the professor who comes in for our collaboration grant, and the more experienced teachers.
Brand new teachers have several advantages: energy, enthusiasm, knowledge of recent brain-based teaching theories. They don’t, however, know more than the experts. And they certainly don’t know it all.
Maybe I should start thinking I know everything. It sure would be easier, wouldn’t it? I wouldn’t have to keep learning, spending time and energy and even money to find new ways to reach more children.
Nope. That last statement said it all. Finding new ways to reach more children is the reason teachers keep learning. I think I found my answer.
Now I’ll just watch and wait for the newbies down the hall to realize this, too. Maybe we can carpool to the next class in Words Their Way.
Or not.

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>Bing "Our School Needs" – Phase Two


Many schools entered Phase One of Bing’s “Our School Needs,” but only 15 are finalists. You can register and vote for them here. They’re all worthy projects, and there is one in my home state of Wisconsin. Aquinas High School in LaCrosse, WI is seeking funding for a new auditorium. If you read their story, you’ll see why they’re asking for help.
Aquinas is not the only school suffering from budget cuts. When the economy is bad and local taxpayers are suffering financially, the average Joe or Josie on the street sees schools as money pits. The same average Joe or Josie might not know that central administration has been cut drastically, combining two positions into one in several cases. Joe and Josie also don’t know that energy costs have been cut by not turning on the heat until students arrive, disregarding the teachers who’ve been working in their cold and drafty rooms for an hour already. Josie and Joe might collect box tops and soup labels and think they’re helping, but fail to realize that each UPC code earns only 10 cents – not even enough to buy a #2 pencil.
Bing will divide a quarter-million dollars between four winners. The top vote-getter will receive $100,000, and the next three will get $50,000 each. Voting started yesterday and continues through Sunday, November 7, with winners announced on Tuesday, November 9.
PTA and booster club fundraisers can only go so far. Supporting Bing’s donation project will help a lot. Supporting DonorsChoose.org is another way to fund a specific project that will make a direct impact on students and their learning.
Josie and Joe may not understand the need for stronger funding, but Josh does – Josh Groban, that is. Here he is signing autographs as he dropped off instruments and sang in a chorus class at a middle school in Queens, NY. This is a great way to call attention to the project and support the arts in schools. Thanks, Josh! Now would you have a talk with Joe and Josie about school funding?
I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Bing and received a gift card and DonorsChoose.org giving code to thank me for taking the time to participate. I plan to apply my DonorsChoose.org code to my own project here. Please consider passing the word; it’s another very direct way you can help students learn.

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>Readers, readers who need books

>Remember my students, the struggling readers, the guys who need books? I’ve received donations of books (Thanks Earth Muffin! Thanks Mom!) and I’ve drafted letters to several local service organizations. I also took the time to create a page on Donors Choose dot Org, a site that matches teachers with donors.

So here I go again, shamelessly plugging the neediness of my students. If you care to forward this link to people who might donate, I will greatly appreciate it. If you’re willing to drop a little money in the pot, that’s amazingly awesome, too. Spreading the word, even re-posting or linking to this post or the original, will help.
These young ones can learn and will learn. My goal on Donors Choose: to provide them with the specialized materials, high-interest/ low-reading level books, that they need in order to make progress.
I’m beyond subtle now; I’ll put it in big print for you. Go here and check it out! Link to me! Donate, too, if you’re willing and able!
On behalf of the children who look to me for wisdom and knowledge, many, many, thanks.

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>Staying sane in an insane world

>Well, attempting to keep my sanity intact, at least.

Seeking out supportive people:
  • I had lunch with a former colleague, saw pictures of her grandson
  • a neighboring teacher brings me Starbucks frequently
  • I continue to take training with a literacy coach I respect, and she is one of my strongest advocates.
  • I truly appreciate a husband who not only fixes the house, but cooks like an Iron Chef.
Actively taking care of health:
  • My Neti Pot and me, we’re friends. Friends don’t let friends get sinus infections.
  • My multi-vitamin + iron, it’s my pal. Anemia, begone!
  • Weekends are for napping, sleeping in, and drinking lots of fluids. Laundry can wait.
Actively seeking out opportunities for relaxation
  • fire in the fireplace on a rainy day: warm and cozy.
  • nibbling on chocolate cake made with the last garden zucchini: delicious.
  • pumpkin pie spice flavor in my Dashboard Joe coffee: sweet.
  • Watching the Wisconsin Badgers with my sporty son: priceless.

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