>An Oldie,but Goodie: A Tribute to Dr. Seuss

>originally posted in March 2007; originally published in WSRA Journal in 1997

When we were young
And could pick up a book,
A man with a gift
Made us all take a look

At a cat with a mission,
A feline with style,
Dressed up in a hat
With a hint of beguile.

The cat made us smile,
The Grinch brought a tear.
While the Whos down in Whoville
Inspired a cheer.

Those red fish and blue fish
Or green eggs and ham
The Star Bellied Sneetches
And that Sam-I-Am

The poor little boy
Wearing five hundred hats
Got caught in the oobleck
That fell and went splat.

His stories had morals,
Were strong with conviction,
Even though written
As young readers’ fiction.

A clear point of view,
The compassion he saw,
Like”…a person’s a person,
No matter how small.”

The elephant Horton
Who said what he meant,
That he could be faithful,
One hundred percent.

And think of the Lorax,
The one who said, “Please,
Oh, Please stop destroying
The Truffula Trees!”

His creatures were special,
Both comic and tragic,
Some small and some large,
With an aura of magic.

Think of the characters,
Ageless and timeless,
And how he could make
Something rhyme that seemed rhymeless!

The point of my story,
I’m sure you have reckoned,
Someone quite special
Was born on March second.

Creator of Yertle,
And Thidwick the Moose,
A talent unequaled:
The dear Dr. Seuss.

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>Sound Bites and Protest Signs


The first time I heard the term “sound bite” was during the presidential election between Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush. Journalists, especially those on TV and radio, found ways to pull out a small snippet of a candidate’s speech and use it to form the basis of a news story. Remember these?
Read my lips: no new taxes!
It’s the economy.
…a kinder, gentler nation.
Save Social Security!

Protest signs have a similar challenge: not much space, the need for a quick message, one that a driver can read at a glance and continue driving safely. Amigo told me he was rallying for his teachers: those who had taught him in the past and those who were his teachers now. We talked over simple slogans, and he decided to include a little Braille to remind people that all students, no matter what their needs, must be educated. He used his Perkins Brailler to show me how to write SOS correctly, and we were ready. He knew which side of the sign to face out because he could feel the stick & duct tape on the back.

There’s a classic saying, “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” The signmaker below has a variation on that theme – a variation that also points to new governor’s insistence that Wisconsin is “Open for Business.” How he thinks a strong business economy can exist without educated workers is beyond me. But that’s another post…
Anti-bullying programs and zero-tolerance policies for physical, verbal, and cyber bullying are common across the country. In many states, such policies are mandated by the Department of Public Instruction. Gov. Walker’s method for dashing off a divisive and devastating bill that guts the rights of many is just that – bullying. Questions? See below.

Sound bites or protest signs, they work in a similar fashion: quick to make a point, easy to understand, easy to remember, and the potential to provoke a more in-depth discussion. Let’s hope the bully decides to mediate soon so that Wisconsin workers don’t need many more signs.

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>What’s the middle class – does it still exist?


A few years ago, a colleague told me that we teachers were part of a dying breed; the American middle class. Teachers, police officers, firefighters were a few of the socio-economic level in the middle – not rich, not poor. Not overburdened with too much money, not stretched to the breaking point with too little. Owning a house, a very very very fine house, with two cats in the yard — you get the picture. Not wealthy, but secure enough to buy bicycles for the kids and eventually send them to college without too many loans.

No matter what the outcome of the so-called “Budget Repair Bill” that guts bargaining rights, we’ll remember those who took action and those who listened when we expressed our concerns. We’re willing to invest more in our insurance and our pensions; we know that the state deficit is very large and everyone must contribute. If the right to bargain is lost, however, we also face the loss of the security that allows us to buy bicycles and still buy groceries, send the kids to college and still pay the mortgage. Is that too much to ask?

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>Amigo gets political

>It was a typical Friday night. I pulled up to the store parking lot to meet the bus from the school for blind, gather Amigo and his bags, and head home.

As he got in the car, he was full of excitement. “Mom, did you hear what’s happening in Madison?” He continued talking, telling how he’d been learning about how the legislature works, what a quorum is and why it’s important, and a lot about the process of writing and passing a law.
Then he dropped the bombshell.
“Mom, I wish I could go to Madison tomorrow for the demonstration.”
I offered, “How about downtown on the plaza tomorrow afternoon?”
Amigo responded with an enthusiastic “Yeah!!”
So we made a sign for Amigo, I wore red to support my colleagues, and La Petite charged her camera to document the event. Here’s the rest of the story. The top photo shows my neighbors, both retired high school teachers, great people and great teachers. No, they’re not wearing Bear colors; those are the colors of my alma mater, West High School.

This was perhaps the youngest participant at the rally.

I don’t usually show full face shots of my offspring, but they were so great together I couldn’t resist.

I’ll have more background on Saturday’s post: personal experiences passed down through the family the old fashioned way, by the oral tradition. Well, the updated oral tradition: my relatives emailed me the stories they’d heard from my grandfather.

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I teach, and I pay taxes.

Or should I say “I pay taxes and I teach”?

Folks who’ve seen the Wisconsin budget drama on CNN or Fox News or CSNBC probably wonder. “Daisy, you’re a teacher! You live in Wisconsin! You’re a progressive thinker and active in politics! Why have you said nothing about the demonstrations? Or the disappearance of the Senate Democrats? Or Governor Walker’s bad hair and desire for make-up any time a camera is near? Never mind that last one.
I haven’t posted yet because it’s so upsetting. Today I’m checking in periodically, but I’m minimizing my TV news time. My news junkie self is not compatible with the depressive self, and I’m in a pretty bad state right now – pun intended.
Instead, I’d like to share a few facts about union history. Consider it a history lesson featuring the American worker.
Early railroad worker unions were primarily insurance providers. The workers could not get standard insurance because their work was considered too hazardous, the workers too risky to insure. From Railroad Labor and its History
The first organization of working women to organize was the Lowell Female Labor Reform Association, a group of young women working in textile mills. For a descriptive piece on the Lowell Mills Girls, look to this piece, an overview of women’s labor rights at the time. From Women and Unions, early efforts
Unions helped outlaw child labor and protect worker safety. The horrible Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire spurred further movements to keep workers safe at work. Work also means outdoor work. Heard of Cesar Chavez? The United Farm Workers are glad he took the lead to improve their treatment.
Unions are about people: working people. Unions help regulate working conditions, wages, and employee rights. Benefits in union contracts include paid sick days, working conditions, grievance procedures, opportunities for advancement or changing positions, length of workday, and more. My current contract has 182 pages, single spaced. It’s a complex, thoughtful agreement between the school board and the association that represents the district’s teachers.
Every paycheck I receive has taxes taken out. Yes, I teach. Yes, I pay taxes. Yes, I’m a union member. I’m proud of all three.

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>As heard on Social Networking


“Has anyone seen my ambition? I’ve lost it.”

“It eloped with my patience. They’ll make a lovely couple.”
“I think it kidnapped my get-up-and-go. They’re living it up in a warm climate somewhere.”
“I like to suck the guts out of kiwis. Just thought you’d li
ke to know.”
“No, fuzzy fruit, not fuzzy-hatted drunken men.”
Lately Twitter has been full of comments on the action in Madison, pictures of the protests, links to articles and news videos with more information. This picture was shared by an American school administrator currently working at a school in the Middle East.

This one gave me a lump in my throat. Thanks, @scarter. Win or lose this battle, we Wisconsin teachers feel supported.

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>My part of the Compassion Project

>The Compassion Project is an art project, a mosaic, made by students all over our fair city.

The Compassion Project inspired discussion, thought, and potentially acts of compassion.
Students decorated tiles to become part of a large mosaic. Teachers could volunteer to decorate a tile for the mosaic, too, so I offered to make one. Mine is still sitting, blank, in the kitchen. I have ideas, but I’m still struggling with the details.
I really want to emphasize visual and hearing impairments, disabilities. I thought about incorporating more disabilities into my 6″ x 6″ tile, but decided to keep it personal and stick with what I know. I can’t use La Petite’s “Touching Words” photo; I would need to take my own picture. Another idea: I could create a border using the word compassion in Braille. We have a Braille embosser and a labeler, too; the Braille border would look good.
But hearing impairment is harder to portray as visual art. I could use American Sign Language, finger spelling the word compassion, but finger spelling isn’t really accurate. The true sign for compassion would be an active sign, incorporating motion that won’t fit on a small tile in a mosaic. A photo of hearing aids, side by side with the Braille? Maybe, but that seems lame. There must be something better.
A quote might be nice. A quote in the middle, surrounded by a Braille border spelling compassion or rewriting the quote itself, could be effective. Maybe the quote could reference hearing impairment.
There is Helen Keller’s “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” It’s a good sentiment, but the quote is overused. I’d rather find something else.
Here’s one from actress Marlee Matlin: “It was ability that mattered, not disability, which is a word I’m not crazy about using.”
Then there is “Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were made to stand out?” I saw this first in DeafMom’s blog. She tells me it comes from the movie What a Girl Wants.
I’m looking for a way to represent hearing impairment on a 6″ by 6″ ceramic tile with a Braille border. Simplicity is good; it will be part of a mosaic with hundreds of other identically sized tiles, each illustrating compassion in some way. My tile can stand out or blend in. Ideas, readers?

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>I’m done. It’s official.

>Pushing to the Winter Break is always a challenge at school. The moodiness. The excitement. The full moon and lunar eclipse, concurrent with a snowstorm and other mood-altering atmospheric conditions — well, I can just say the last week of school in 2010 was more of a challenge than usual.

But I’m done. I survived. It’s over.
It’s more than over, though. I’m done – for the year. Not just 2010, but the full 2010-2011 school year. I’m taking a leave of absence from my teaching job from now until June.
Illness made teaching tough this year. Gout, flu-like virus, even the possibility of heart trouble had me missing more days than I wanted.
But more than that, school has been a struggle: a struggle that was making me sicker. I didn’t sleep well at night. Worries kept me awake, and when sleep did come, I’d awaken in a head to toe sweat. Stomach aches every Monday morning, heartburn and headaches Sunday nights, there were too many symptoms to ignore.
There were tipping points. Getting hurt while preventing a student from throwing a chair. Getting threatened by a student and seeing no administrative response whatsoever. Spending time late at night to leave decent sub plans – against the doctor’s advice – only to get all kinds of nasty notes about how my work hadn’t been sufficient.
Between me, the doctor, and my family, we decided it was time: time to look into a long-term leave. A time to recover, to heal, both physically and mentally. A time to really examine my commitment to teaching and whether it can weather this kind of conflict. Before I make any kind of decision on my future, I need to rest. Rest, recover, and feel good again — even on Mondays.

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>Daisy and Chuck’s ER Adventures

>It started on a Saturday, of course. Adventures like this never happen on weekdays.

Chuck hurt himself getting the garage ready for winter. You may have heard the news; he dropped the rototiller on his right big toe. Tough guy that he is, he hobbled into the house to elevate it and ice it and decided he was fine and dandy. After supper, I gently set an ice pack on it and he jumped out of his skin (well, off the couch) at the pain, leading me to say, “Okay, dear, I’ll bring you the phone. You’re calling the doctor.” The nurse on call told him to hippity hop into the nearest ER in case of bleeding under the nail.
The nearest hospital is quite close: five minutes by car. The hard part was finding the entrance. The hospital had undergone some major construction projects, and the ER entrance had moved since we were last there in early July. We followed the signs and found the entrance, I dropped off my limping man, and we were in business.
We can dispense with the gory details. He was treated and released — after helping the triage nurse fix her computer’s loose mouse cord and becoming fascinated by the name of the “tool” used to fix his toe. Mr. Techie and Mr. Word Person all rolled into one, that’s my ever-loving husband.
The next night – yes, Sunday after a Packers loss (sob), I started feeling ill. Suddenly ill, in fact, in such a way that I couldn’t deny it; it was obviously my turn to head back to the ER. Chest pains, dizziness, sweating, and more… we climbed back in the minivan for the now familiar ride. This time we knew the quickest way to the entrance, so Chuck dropped me off and parked.
We reintroduced ourselves to the ER weekend team, Chuck saying “It’s her turn tonight!” The nurse remembered Chuck for his help with her computer cart, and the doctor asked him “How’s the toe?” as he checked my first round of tests. This may have been a rarity for the ER doctor – getting to follow-up with a patient.
After being hooked up to all kinds of machines, timing the number of minutes between blood pressure checks, getting medicines by mouth and through an IV, having early evening blood work compared with the late evening blood work, the pain finally eased and I was allowed to go home – with conditions. Follow-up appointments, further testing, I had to agree to all of that before going home to sleep in my own bed. Well, home to call a substitute and then go to school to leave lesson plans.
The whole experience was surreal. Getting hooked up to so many machines, so many wires. The sheer number of tests done (thank goodness for good insurance coverage). The pacing. It was a lengthy stay (four hours!), but there was almost always something going on. Turning the debate from cardiac to gastro-intestinal and back to cardiac again – my head was spinning figuratively with the for and against discussions, almost as much as it spun literally in the beginning.
I never planned to be a familiar face at the local Emergency Room. I’d say “Now what? What’s next?” but I’m a little afraid of the answer. Let’s just keep Chuck away from the rototiller until spring; that’ll help.

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>That which was lost, is now found.

>It was a rainy and windy day in October, not a dark and stormy night, but it was still unpleasant. My fellow teacher and I made it a little more pleasant by going out to lunch after a half day of school. During that lunch I took off my lanyard and dropped my jump drive into my bag behind the car seat – or so I thought.

As the weekend went on, I looked for the jump drive. It was nowhere to be found. I thought “Maybe it’s at school,” even thought I knew better. When I got back to school on Monday, my friend agreed: she remembered my taking it off and putting it in my bag, saying “I might need this to get some work done this weekend.” So the mystery was yet unsolved.
I kept looking, started using the back-up files from my hard drives, compiling them once again in a convenient place.
In mid-December on a truly dark and stormy night, Chuck encountered a surprise. He was dressing himself to clear the driveway of snow, reaching for gloves and a hat, when he dislodged an umbrella standing in the same area of the back hallway. As he reached for the umbrella, something fell out.

You guessed it, readers. My long lost jump drive!!
Okay, readers, now it’s up to you. How can I make sure I don’t lose this again? Any tips? Tricks? Smart remarks? Okay, forget the last one. But seriously. How can I keep my portable memory intact and nearby?

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