>Three things I hope my children will inherit

>There won’t be any heirlooms or trust funds, surprise visits to the Antiques Road Show, or other unexpected windfalls for my children to inherit. Instead, I wish for them these three thoughts, these three concepts.
I hope my children will inherit a passion for learning. Whether they seek knowledge through books, the Internet, or quality cable television, I hope they will always want their minds to grow.
I hope my children will inherit an attitude of caring and stewardship for the world they live in. They might take on the reality of slogans such as Think Globally, Act Locally and Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Maybe they’ll grow gardens or have compost bins of their own. Their generation may find new, more efficient ways to care for and preserve our Earth. Whatever the future holds for the land around them, I hope my children take an active part in it.
And finally, I hope my children will inherit an appreciation and enjoyment of stories, their own and those of others. Family stories, often passed on in the oral tradition, are part of the fabric of our lives. (“Brother, you’re adorable.” “Mom! She called me adorable! Mom, what’s adorable?”) Those stories we learn from others are part of their fabrics, woven to complement and contrast our own. Stitched together, they make a patchwork quilt of both harmony and dissonance, and ultimately a richness that cannot be equaled.

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13 thoughts on “>Three things I hope my children will inherit

  1. >That was beautiful! I hope my children inherit those things too, because there won’t be any trust fund!

  2. >I love your list. Especially “stories’ We repeat the past if it is forgotten. History is a greater picture of the lives we live.

  3. >Daisy I love your list.

    I really like the idea of stewardship for the world we live in.

    It speaks of a responsibility so many of us forget we have (myself included.)

    A love of learning is something I think both myself and Mr B have and that I hope to pass on to my kids too. They already have a great love of books which I think is a fab start.

    As for the stories, ahh that’s why I love blogging so much.

    Those day to day things so easily forgotton can be remembered and revisited timne and time again, and shared with others.

    Fantastic read.

    Thank you.

  4. >This is so beautifully written. I love the part about family stories. That really made me think. What am I doing to help create those stories?
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. >I like the one about the caring for our environment with composting etc, and the family stories one too. I think our blogs will be good to look back on one day and help us remember some stories.

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